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Hillary’s Vast Left-Wing Corruption…Part 1 of 2


By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on cprworldwidemedia.net

delete 1When you are a presidential candidate, and you have a super PAC called…”Correct the Record” you have a problem, in that if said candidate had a clear and transparent record, it would not need correcting by those with a particular bias.

Hillary Clinton IS a presidential candidate, for the time being, and SHE has a super PAC called “Correct the Record.”

Hillary Clinton has a problem and it’s getting worse by the day.

According to State department spokespeople, given the fact that 4 of the first 40 emails an Inspector General looked at…contained classified material. Subsequently, many more were discovered to contain classified material and now, those spokespeople are telling us that HUNDREDS of pieces of classified material are most likely contained in even MORE of Hillary’s private server…private email account emails.

That is what we already knew but here is where the “it gets worse” comes in…

According to a former operations officer for the U.S. Army in Europe and former operations officer for the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Willes Lee, a man who knows how such things work…“It is hard to move classified documents into the non-classified system. You couldn’t move a document by mistake.” In other words…classified material carries a specific designation or marker that makes it all but impossible to transfer from a secured, government approved server or email account to one which is unsecured and private…like Hillary Clinton’s servers and email accounts.

Clinton, for her part, continues to claim that none of those emails containing classified information were MARKED as classified when she either received or sent them.

Oh really?

Is it likely that emails, non-classified emails, would later be deemed classified…after they delete 2had passed through various people’s hands and before various people’s eyes?

No…that is highly UNLIKELY…at least according to Bradford Higgins, who served as Assistant Secretary of State for resource management and Chief Financial Officer from 2006-2009…“Emails don’t change from unclassified to classified. The originator of the email decides the classification before it is sent out based on basic protocols, not subsequent readers. I believe it would be highly unusual for an unclassified email to later become classified.”

Here’s the way it works…emails or documents sent TO the Secretary of State by any one of 17 U.S. intel community agencies would be deemed, by the agency from which the email of document originated, either classified or unclassified BEFORE it was ever sent.

And here’s where Clinton’s sweep-it-under-the-rug excuse gets rather sticky…She claims that our intel agencies…are always OVER-classifying things…that they are top secret happy and that they often classify even mundane documents. Now, if that’s the case, and she says it is…than how could it be, as Hillary Clinton ALSO suggests, that THESE particular emails and documents were UNCLASSIFIED by the agencies that sent them to her only to be, AFTER she allowed them to be seen and handled by her own people who delete 3lacked proper security clearance, to THEN become classified?

Hillary Clinton, who tells us that, “government agencies also are notorious for over-classifying material,” wants us to believe that our intel agencies both over and UNDER classify information and often CHANGE such documents or emails when the wind blows.

Then there’s this, from Charles McCullough, III, Inspector General of the intelligence community, and Steve Linick, Inspector General for the Department of State…the emails and documents in question, those reviewed so far, “should never have been transmitted via an unclassified personal system.”

But, as we know…they were…so how was it done?

Well…there are a few of possibilities in this regard.

First…those emails in question could have simply jumped from classified servers in a secure government system to Hillary’s unsecured system but how likely is that possibility? Not likely at all…as State Department spokesman Alec Gerlach points out…“The classified and unclassified system are separate and you cannot email between the two.”

Okay…scratch that possibility.

Possibility number 2…somebody, Hillary Clinton or one of her staff, most likely Huma delete 4Abedin, would have had to either type or scan…the contents of classified material…into Hillary’s private emails or onto her private servers and THAT, as we know, would be a gross violation of the Espionage Act of 1917, prosecutable and punishable by up to 10 years in prison.

If Abedin did it…and you know she wouldn’t do it without being ordered to do it by her boss, Hillary Clinton, and according again to Bradford Higgins…that is “a violation, in addition to criminal charges and potential prosecution, would likely mean that person who committed the breach would never again be given a security clearance.”

Correct me if I’m wrong but…doesn’t a president need a security clearance?

There is a third possibility…remember those thumb drives that Hillary’s attorney, David Kendall turned over a couple of weeks ago? Well, not only does Kendall lack the proper security clearance to have had, in his possession, such information…from where did he GET those thumb drives?

According to the Department of State…“removable drives need to be approved,” and delete 5lacking any verification or even possible proof that such approval was ever given to Hillary Clinton, Huma Abedin, Cheryl Mills or anyone else involved…could Hillary, Huma, Cheryl or anyone else have simply IGNORED those rules?

Again…virtually impossible as Higgins makes clear…“At State, your classified hard drive sits in your safe and only comes out for occasional use and must be returned to the safe before you leave at night. Even printing out top-secret needs a top-secret printer, which is carefully monitored,”…according to Higgins…and this is VERY important…“As I recall at State, classified computers didn’t have ports for thumb drives to download secret info.”

THAT means that whatever was on those thumb drives…information that the Department of State has so far refused to divulge…was put ON them only AFTER the emails and documents were put on HILLARY’S home-brew private servers and email accounts.

Oh dear…two things here are abundantly clear…

1) That the transfer of classified material from secured servers to Hillary’s private UNSECURED servers was intentional to all but Steven Bucci, assistant to former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense, who submits…“I think what it is going to come down to is very sloppy, unprofessional procedures.”
2) That Steven Bucci is delusional.

Those materials, deemed classified by the individual intel agencies from where they originated would have been kept on a hard drive which in turn is secured in a safe…in this case…Hillary’s official government hard drive and Hillary’s secured safe…both residing delete 6inside the Department of State…any printing OF those materials would have had to have been done on a secured printer which is heavily monitored also residing at the Department of State and any HANDLING of those materials would have taken place in a Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility or SCIF…a room or building so secure that absolutely no electronic transfer can come in or go out except via secured, classified lines and into which, one cannot gain access if one is carrying some device used to copy information such as a camera or…a thumb drive….a thumb drive for which no computer in the SCIF even has a port.

Imagine, top secret and classified documents, sent by and received by Hillary Clinton on her private, unsecured email accounts and servers without proper security protocols…what would happen had OTHERS done such a thing? We need look no further than former CIA operative and CNN national security analyst Bob Baer, who said, on that network…not known for their vast right-wing conspiracies by the way…“If this was on her server and it got into her smart phone, there’s a big problem there.”

Baer continued…“I can’t tell you how bad this is…A lot of things get talked about, a lot of gossip, but having documents like this sent across the Internet, it could be hacked very easily and probably were hacked, is a transgression that I don’t think the president of the United States should be allowed to, you know, have committed.”

“Seriously, if I had sent a document like this over the open Internet I’d get fired the same day, escorted to the door and gone for good — and probably charged with delete 7mishandling classified information.”

And then Baer fired this shot directly over Hillary’s bow…“If this in fact were on her hand held [phone] — was sent to her or she forwarded it in any way — I wonder whether she is capable of being president.”

Last night, the Department of State released some 7000 newly discovered and recovered Hillary Clinton emails and more than 150 of them were heavily redacted. Why? Because those emails, like more than 300 others previously discovered, also contain classified material.

This is not a vast right-wing conspiracy…what it is…is Hillary’s vast left-wing corruption.

There is more…so MUCH more, that I will continue this 2 part report tomorrow…right here in The National Patriot.

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