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Hillary – 999 Classified Emails and Counting


By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots

Hillary Clinton’s problems are adding up raising the question liberals don’t want to fbi 1address…how much longer can she hold out and stay in the 2016 race?

With the latest batch of Hillary Clinton’s emails being released…the number of classified among them has now reached a staggering 999 and remember what Hillary herself told us? “As has been confirmed repeatedly by the inspectors general, over and over, I did not send or receive any material marked classified. We dealt with classified material on a totally different system.”

There are several problems with that statement…a statement she made in July, August and September of this year. First of all…on Hillary Clinton’s own orders, there were never Inspectors General in her Department of State. Hillary forbid their presence and therefore, there was never any oversight regarding her practices…practices she wanted hidden. Second…she did send and/or receive classified emails…999 of them and counting.

Third…Hillary Clinton never used a “totally different system” to send ANY emails as her private email account on her private server was the ONLY system she employed during her entire treasonous reign as the Secretary of State.

A few days ago, I received the following question from someone using the name, “boycott media” who asked…

“It is now one month after HRC’s testimony, not sure what you guys are doing about the email scandal. I am a democrat but I think HRC is guilty of various crimes committed with callous fbi 2use of email server, let along the Clinton Foundation, the foreign donations, etc. The right is not pursuing her scandal sufficiently enough to expose her. Why don’t you advertise in Iowa more details on email server?”

Well, right off the bat, “not sure what…you guys…are doing about the email scandal?”

Perhaps “boycott media” is under the impression that the investigation of Hillary Clinton’s emails is being run by the RNC…which it is not. The investigation, like it or not, is not a partisan, political investigation and it is being run by the FBI…not the Republicans and the FBI doesn’t “advertise” anything. When they are finished with their investigation, the results will be made public but I can tell you this much…the FBI is focusing on what I put out in The National Patriot back on August 5th, 2015 in an article titled “Hillary’s Mess…First Treason and Now, Espionage?”

In that article I outlined how Hillary Clinton was in direct violation of the Espionage Act of 1917 with her private email and server considering she had used both to send and receive fbi 4classified material. It wasn’t until October 16th, nearly 2 and a half months later that both Fox News and the Daily Caller revealed that the FBI investigation was, indeed, focused on that very thing…the Espionage Act of 1917 which makes it crystal clear that, “security clearance holders who, “through gross negligence,” permit national defense information to be separated or abstracted from its secure location,” have indeed violated the Act which is punishable by up to 10 years in a federal prison.

There is, of course, more that the FBI is looking into and according to one source… “If someone knows there is an ongoing investigation and takes action to impede an investigation, for example destruction of documents or threatening of witnesses, that could be a separate charge but still remain under a single case.” Remember…Hillary Clinton had her attorneys delete some 30,000 emails from her server without ever having them examined by an independent source before deciding whether or not those now deleted emails were business or personal in nature and do not for one minute forget that Cheryl Mills and Huma Abedin also tried to keep emails from investigative eyes either by holding them or threatening to delete them.

fbi 5Not only are the numbers of Hillary Clinton’s classified emails that she claimed over and over were never there adding up, but so too are the potential violations regarding the Espionage Act and the Records Act and thus, adding up along with them all are the potential years Hillary Clinton could end up serving…not in the White House but in the BIG House.

But the FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton is not just limited to her email usage as it now includes looking into whether she also violated the “statements or entries generally,” part of U.S. Code 18, Section 1001, which pertains to one providing “materially false” statements given either in writing, orally or through a third party. Possible violation of this nature also includes “pressuring a third party to conspire in a cover-up.”

So…how exactly does this work? Well, if one provides federal agents, actively investigating potential crimes with false or misleading statements thus causing federal agents to expend additional resources and time in their investigative duties…one has violated the law and in Hillary Clinton’s case, regarding her emails and server, not only did she delete more than 30,000 emails…she waited for more than 2 years followed by stalling for months before finally turning over her private server to the FBI last August and when she did…it had been wiped clean.fbi 6

And let’s not forget the slow trickle of emails from other sources…Huma Abedin, Cheryl Mills and Sydney Blumenthal that continue to drip in from time to time.

If that doesn’t rise to the level necessary to charge one under the “statements or entries generally,” statute I don’t know what would as Hillary Clinton’s stalling, deletions, wiping of her server and allowing her minions to hold emails pertaining to the investigation not only of her emails generally but Benghazi specifically has forced the FBI and others to…” expend additional resources and time in their investigative duties,” directly due to Hillary Clinton’s obstructionist actions.

So, given all the evidence, a virtual mountain of evidence already available, why hasn’t Hillary Clinton been indicted yet especially when you consider the number of others charged under the Espionage Act by the Obama regime? That of course includes James Rosen of Fox News, General Petraeus, Dennis Hastert, Bob Menendez and even Arthur Anderson…a business that was destroyed, along with 8500 jobs because of unfounded allegations of obstruction because that company destroyed documents that, according to fbi 8the United States Supreme Court they had absolutely no legal obligation to preserve.

Putting it mildly, Hillary Clinton is a criminal. She has violated several federal laws and statutes with regard to her email activity while Secretary of State. She has covered up acts of treason perpetrated by herself and Obama. She has obstructed FBI investigations and she has destroyed evidence. Why hasn’t she been formally indicted?

First of all…Hillary Clinton is running for president and if you’re going to indict her on federal charges, you’ve got t be sure every “I” is dotted and every “t” is crossed. There has to be an air-tight case before charges can be brought and there has to be an overwhelming pile of evidence against her with no grey areas. Hillary Clinton is a private citizen just like the rest of us but she’s not your average private citizen which brings me to the second point…her name is Hillary CLINTON and as we are all too well aware…anyone with the last name of CLINTON, in political circles, is slipperier than a greased snake.

Hilary and Bill are professionals when it comes to corruption and they have a long history of being both pathological liars and skaters having lied their way out of one scandal after another…nearly all of which would have landed mere armatures behind bars.

The FBI is being thorough. Maybe more so than they would be with anyone else, perhaps fbi 10more than we would like them to be considering how long we’ve know the truth behind her lies and obstructions but neatness counts when conducting an investigation such as the one currently under way and as hard as it is to bring charges against a Clinton as a private citizen…imagine how difficult it would be to bring charges against a Clinton in the oval office.

The last thing we should want is a rush to indictment as we should want, perhaps for the first time ever, the charges against a Clinton to stick like glue but if patience really is a virtue…my virtue is wearing thin. Any of us, any average Americans would have been brought up on charges and locked away long ago under the same circumstances or for far less.

I don’t believe it’s a matter of if, but a matter of when an indictment is handed down. Were there any question at this point, it seems to me the FBI would have been winding this investigation down rather than expanding it.

With regard to Hillary Clinton’s email scandal…we wait and watch as more and more evidence is compiled. With refbi 9gards to the Benghazi investigation, Trey Gowdy, perhaps the most adept federal prosecutor there has ever been is doing exactly what the FBI is doing and leaving no stone unturned but either way, the hole into which Hillary Clinton has dug herself gets deeper by the day.

Somebody please throw her a new shovel…I don’t yet believe we’ve fathomed how deep Hillary Clinton’s corruption goes.

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