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Trump and Hillary…One and the Same


By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots http://www.americanpbn.com/

For the better part of the last 10 months, Donald Trump’s blind followers have been vile in per 1their comments directed at any candidate who dared to challenge their presumptive dictator and equally as vile toward anyone who dared to support any other candidate than Trump.

Trump has called Carly Fiorina ugly, called Ted Cruz’s wife, Heidi, ugly and unbalanced, has compared Ben Carson to a child molester, Demeaned Marco Rubio, Called Ted Cruz a liar, insinuated that Cruz’s father was involved in the JFK assassination, had false stories planted that Cruz himself was having 5 affairs, demeaned Jeb Bush, blamed 9-11 on George Bush, incited riots, encouraged his followers to commit violence while offering to pay their legal fees for doing so, mocked Scott Walker for NOT raising taxes and accused Ted Cruz of being the Zodiac killer.

Naturally, Trump’s blind followers picked up every bit of this rubbish and immediately spread it all over social media.

Now, as Trump closes in on the nomination…his blind followers are blaming those whom they so vilely attacked for the past 10 months for splitting the party. It’s OUR fault, according to the Trumpers, that the party is now split six ways from Sunday. WE’RE to blame…or so THEY say.


per 2What they, the Trumpers, are now telling the rest of us, is that if we don’t embrace all the vile, nasty rhetoric that they and their candidate have spewed forth for the past 10 months, if we, the #NEVERTRUMP folks don’t get on board their “Trump train” and if we don’t support and push their reality show train wreck in November…WE aren’t real Conservatives.

They say we HAVE to embrace and support their vile, nasty, lying and substance-free candidate…in the name of party unity.


In the name of the same party unity they did everything they could think of to destroy over the past 10 months? THAT party unity?

And when we say no thanks…what do they do?

They make more vile accusations and level more attacks at those of us who are seeing things clearly…one supposes because that is their way of wining us over because it worked so well from the very beginning of this campaign until now.per 3

Trumpers are now telling the rest of us, in the #NEVERTRUMP camp, that if we vote for anyone BUT Trump, or if we just stay home…WE are SUPPORTING Hillary.

Special note to Trumpers…we don’t want THAT bitch any more than we want YOUR son of a bitch.

Let’s take a moment to compare Hillary and Trump…

Hillary wants to raise taxes. Trump wants to raise taxes. Hillary is pro-choice. Trump is pro-choice. Hillary wants people to be able to pee in whichever bathroom they so choose. Trump wants people tper 4o be able to pee in whichever bathroom they so choose. Hillary’s economic policies would cost jobs. Trump’s plan to impose 45% tariffs would lead to trade wars that would cost jobs. Hillary is no fan of the 1st amendment. Trump is no fan of the 1st amendment. Hillary would encourage more illegals to cross the border. Trump’s proposals already HAVE more illegals crossing the border. Hillary’s foreign policy would be more of Obama’s foreign policy. Trump says he would be neutral between Israel and the Palestinian Authority, would have written a BETTER deal with Iran, and might use nuclear weapons in Europe.

Hillary doesn’t like the 2nd Amendment. Trump has advocated for more gun control himself despite what he now says. Hillary gets along well with the ilk of Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and Harry Reid. Trump gets along well with the ilk of Nance Pelosi, Chuck per 5Schumer and Harry Reid.

With a wink and a nod, Hillary saw to it that North Korea could build and test nuclear weapons and she helped lay the groundwork for Iran to do the same. Trump, while trying to sound like he’s against nuclear proliferation, also said, in the same breath, that he would allow Japan and South Korea to have nuclear weapons.

Hillary wants universal healthcare.

What about Trump?

Hillary thinks Obama has done a good job and she hated George W. Bush.

What about Trump?

Hillary identifies as a democrat and thinks our economy does better when controlled by democrats.

What about Trump?

Given all of this…the Trumpers are attacking those of us who stand by our #NEVERTRUMP position because, they say, Trump is SOOOOOO much better than Hillary.

Well, I can certainly see the vast difference even if you can’t…because one of them has a “D” after their name and the other has an “R” after his.per 6

But Trumpers STILL say that THEIR guy is better than Hillary because Hillary can be bought and paid for by big corporations, Trump can’t, and we don’t want our country being run by big corporations. Of course, Trump IS a big corporation and HE bought and paid for Hillary so…

Well, Hillary is under investigation by the FBI and Trump isn’t.

Well…Trump is facing fraud charges related to his scam university and Hillary isn’t.

Well, Hillary defended a child rapist and got him off so there.

Well…Trump is being sued in civil court for allegedly raping an under aged girl at a sex slave island retreat owned by Jeffrey Epstein, who Trump has called, “a terrific guy! Lots of fun to be around,” so…

Having Hillary in tper 7he White House means Bill would be back in the White House.

Trump is golfing buddies with Bill and he called Bill to get his permission to run before he announced.

Well, Hillary would be a Soros puppet.

Well…Trump has vacationed with Soros and he took $160 million from Soros for Trump Tower in Chicago.


So, excuse us if we don’t want to give Trump a chance to match that one.

The Trumpers always come at the rest of us with, “the people have spoken and Trump is the choice of the people.”

Oh, really?

Let’s have a look at reality on this one…let’s just SEE how the people have spoken.

Trump is seen favorably by 33% of the people nationwide while UNFAVORABLY by 67% of the people nationwide. Trump is seen favorably by 9% of African Americans while 91% of per 8African Americans see Trump as UNFAVORABLE. Just 19% of Hispanics have a favorable view of Trump while 81% of Hispanics have an UNFAVORABLE view of him. 25% of women favor Donald Trump but 75% see him as UNFAVORABLE and in the important demographic of 18-39 year olds…Trump has a 26% favorability rating and a 74% UNFAVORABLE rating.

And amongst Republicans…Trump has garnered about 40% of the vote thus far throughout the primaries while a mix of the other 16 candidates has garnered the other 60% of the votes.

It seems that the people HAVE spoken indeed and just as an added bonus for the Trumpers who claim that their guy is winning because he is getting more votes…it seems that in a poll, asking people whether they had a more favorable view of Donald Trump or…head lice…Trump got a 24% favorability rating while the itchy, gross insect got a 54% favorability rating.

Based on that last statistiper 9c, it’s a wonder head lice around the nation aren’t demanding that Trump drop out of the race and before Trumpers start saying that Cruz must be worse than head lice because Trump beat Cruz…consider the fact that head lice wasn’t sharing the campaign with deer tics, body lice, fire ants, skeeters, tsetse flies, bubonic fleas, kissing bugs, poisonous Japanese giant hornets, killer bees, bed bugs, locusts, crotch crickets…and John Kasich.

In a head to head match-up, if you will…head lice BEAT Donald Trump.

We, in the #NEVERTRUMP camp have actually had Trumpers tell us that we should per 10be getting on the Trump train because he is the most Conservative candidate who will be on the November ballot…which is a whole lot like telling us that between a syphilitic water moccasin and a rabid badger with hemorrhoids, the frothing at the mouth, anally irritated mammal is the most cuddly.

But the Trumpers, who have spent the past 10 months splitting the party with their vile language and hatred-laced attacks against any who have stood against their candidate are now demanding party unity or else, they say…WE will be electing Hillary.

Oh, really?

Trump himself says otherwise.

per 11“Does the party have to be together, does it have to be unified? I’m very different from anybody who’s perhaps ever run for office. I actually don’t think so. I think it would be better if it were unified, I think there would be something good about it, but I don’t actually think it has to be unified.”

That’s right…Donald Trump, who can’t beat head lice in a one on one match-up, claims he will win in November, without the support of true Conservatives, by pulling in the votes of Bernie Sanders supporters.

So let me get THIS straight…Trump, whose blind followers claim is “THE MOSTper 12 CONSERVATIVE CANDIDATE WHO WILL BE ON THE NOVEMBER BALLOT,” doesn’t need the votes of true Conservatives because he will appeal to Bernie Sanders…SOCIALIST voters?

Here’s the down and dirty truth…which is opposed by Trumpers because, like their candidate and other liberals at large, the truth simply doesn’t matter…Trump has, thus far, received 3.03% of the vote nationwide…about 10 million votes so far in a country of 330 million people. That’s not a majority any way you slice it even though not all 330 million are of voting age. Add to that the fact, that in open primary states, liberals voted for Trump to ensure that no matter what, whether November goes to Hillary or Trump, a liberal will win and we know a good number of those liberals who voted for Trump in the primaries will vote for Hillary in the general election.

per 13And here’s the bottom line…since Trump himself says he doesn’t need true Conservatives to win…his blind following of Trumpers can’t, if they’re being honest, blame us when he loses.

But I think we all know just how dishonest those Trumpers are…don’t we?



With my partner and friend, Diane Sori, still in FB jail for the next 10 days, I urge you to click on the link and read her latest op-ed “A Sound-Byte Candidacy in Dangerous Times” for even MORE on Trump, and please share both her article and mine. Thanks so much!!!

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