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Lies, Injustice and the Clintonian Way (part 1 of 2)


By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots oncprworldwidemedia.net

SCA 1He says he didn’t know anything about it.

He’s said it before and we didn’t believe then so why on earth should we believe him now?

Late last week, Barack Hussein Obama  claimed that HE first heard about Hillary Clinton’s private email account, used by her for ALL…each and every bit of her sending and receiving of official communications throughout her ENTIRE reign as Secretary of State…when we ALL heard about it…“The same time everybody else learned it, through news reports.”

Bullcrap. He was lying. And here’s the PROOF…

Yesterday, according to spokesweasel Josh Earnest…“The president did email with Secretary Clinton. The president did, as I think many people expected, did over the course of his first several years in office exchange emails with his secretary of State.”

He could not have received and CERTAINLY could not have SENT emails from or TO that account…an account that clearly did not end in ‘state.gov’ without KNOWING that is was NOT an official GOVERNMENT account. Obama knew it all along and when he said he didn’t, until it came out in the media…he was flat-out lying.

An educated guess…Obama was trying to cover his own ass until he realized that there is a strong likelihood that some of those emails, between himself and Hillary are now in the hands of Trey Gowdy.

But there’s more…

Valerie Jarrett, the White Mosque Imam who has sat in on virtually each and every meeting throughout the Obama regime…national security meetings…cabinet sca 9meetings…economic, foreign policy, situation room and any other sort of meeting one can conjure up has just made THE most absurd claim.

She is the one who pulls Obama’s puppet strings on behalf of Iran and all of Islam…She even goes on the Obama family vacations…Valerie Jarrett…who is the only presidential adviser ever to have her own Secret Service detail because she is the REAL power behind the community organizer…just made a claim that is SO absurd it is completely implausible.

Since the advent of emails and the subsequent history of Secretaries of State…it is safe to say that each and every one of them has used the service to convey messages to and receive messages from the president.

It is also safe to say, in the case of one Valerie Jarrett…that she either reads or writes every email sent to or from Obama but…

Valerie Jarrett claimed THIS…

Every time Obama breaks wind Jarrett is close enough to feel the breeze and she’s claiming she has no idea whether or not Hillary ever sent an email to the White House???

Jarrett knew…just as did Obama…that the two DID send emails back and forth so she TOO…was flat-out lying.

Imam Valerie…those on YOUR side of the political aisle may well be gullible enough to jump head-first into that bucket of crap but those on the RIGHT side of the aisle aren’t.SCA 2

And then, in a Sunday interview with Chris Wallace…liberal apologist Lanny Davis issued THIS bogus assertion… “You, Chris Wallace, might have a subjective view of what might have happened — I hear the word ‘may’ — I’m talking about what is the case. The fact is, nobody says [the way Clinton used email is] illegal. She’s turned over all of her emails — the first secretary of state to do that.”

Davis claims that “nobody says the way Clinton used email is illegal???”

According to the NY Times: “Federal law says letters and emails written and received by federal officials are government records that must be retained, according to the paper. Regulations at the time Clinton served as secretary of state called for emails on personal accounts to be preserved as well.”

SCA 3The use of a personal email account to conduct official government business is a direct violation of federal law but she KNEW she could get away with it because the National Archives has little to no mechanisms with which to enforce those laws.

It is also a direct violation of policy as stated in the manual for agency employees, as well as a violation of her OWN mandates that ONLY OFFICIAL GOVERNMENT email be used for State Department business.

And it stands in stark opposition to the remark Clinton herself made back in 2007: “Our Constitution is being shredded. We know about the secret wiretaps, we know about the secret military tribunals, the secret White House email accounts … it’s a stunning record of secrecy and corruption, of cronyism run amok.”

So let me get this straight…according to Hillary Clinton…secret emails in the Bush administration amounted to a shredding of the Constitution…a stunning record of secrecy…corruption and cronyism run amok but…setting up a secret email server…inside your own home and having it registered to a fake name and then using it for every bit of your email messaging throughout your entire time as the Secretary of state…well, that’s just fine and dandy?

Here she is back in 2008…

Uh huh…THE most transparent person in public life who then went to work for THE most transparent administration in history and immediately registered an email server under a fake name in her own home to hide all of her messages during her time as the Secretary of State.

Yes…Hillary has turned over some 55,000 emails to the State Department but not voluntarily…and not until her staff (read Huma Abedin who has direct ties to the Muslim Brotherhood) went through them and hand selected what would be turned over.

Here’s Hillary’s latest tweet…

sca 4That’s correct…The State Department in the Obama regime will now REVIEW the 55,000 emails HAND SELECTED by Clinton’s Muslim Brotherhood adviser and release what THEY deem fit for our eyes. Those are the emails Clinton WANTS us to see when what we most likely NEED to see are those she DIDN’T turn over to the Department of State.

But wait, there’s more…

A hacker working with Fox News reporter James Rosen has found that there is a HIGH likelihood that Hillary had more than one email address on that private server.

We have already heard of the address hdr22@clintonemail.com but the hacker also discovered:

hdr@clintonemail.com SCA 5

And of those…the hacker said, ”I suspect hdr18 – hdr21 may have been used by [Clinton] as well as h@clintonemail.com and hillary@clintonemail.com….I’d also be interested to learn if there were ever hdr1@ thru hdr17@.”

Wouldn’t we all be interested but while this news is news to us…it’s old news to Trey Gowdy who says that his investigation into Benghazi had already uncovered the fact that the most transparent person in public life…while working for the most transparent administration in history…had been using MULTIPLE email accounts and NONE of them were official GOVERNMENT accounts and there’s a little more to it than just that…

In the world of liberal/socialists…what rightfully belongs to the people should belong to the government and those in the government have the right to keep whatever they want from the people. Hillary is no exception to that warped ideology but in reality, her emails…ALL of them belong to the people and as our Constitution makes clear…the people do not belong to the government…it is the government that belongs to the people.

Speaking of Benghazi…SCA 6

As information trickles through the leaks regarding Hillary’s use of her private email account to help launch the Benghazi cover story involving that inane You Tube video it becomes clear that as four Americans were being murdered by Islamic terrorists at our Benghazi mission…Hillary was far more concerned that it not be tied back to HER or the Obama regime but…did you know about the other scandal surfacing and swirling around Hillary?

It seems that back while Hillary was globe-trotting on our dime, doing the official business of the Department of State and using her private email account…she also secured a $3.1 BILLION dollar aide deal for Haiti and while that in and of itself isn’t a scandal…at the same time, in 2012…her brother…Tony Rodham…secured a gold mining permit…IN HAITI. It was the first such permit issued in Haiti in 50 years and it was so scandalous IN Haiti that SCA 8it outraged the Haitian senate.

Apparently, nobody else’s sister had transferred $3.1 billion dollars of American taxpayer money into the Haitian bank account before.

From Watergate, where Hillary was fired from the investigation for unethical behavior to Servergate where she tried to slip all of her emails past official detection…with Whitewater…Vince Foster and Benghazi and many other scandals all sandwiched in between…Hillary Clinton has started to become a pariah to even some in the mainstream liberal media. So much so that she will NOT be running in 2016 or ever for that matter.

It’s not just this email scandal that is behind it either but…I’ll have more on that tomorrow.

DON’T miss it!!!


Great friend and RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS radio partner Diane Sori is serving a 30 day FB jail sentence so…I am helping her by connecting her Op-Eds to my articles for the next few weeks. Please follow the link below to read Diane’s full Op-Ed and together, we CAN get the TRUTH out there!!!

ISA…Islamic State Africa…Courtesy of Boko Haram
By: Diane Sori / The Patriot Factor / Right Side Patriots on CPR Worldwide Media

Just one more thing for ‘We the People’ to be concerned about as muslim islamist terrorist group Boko Haram announced their merger with ISIS. Two barbaric and savage groups boko 1have now become one in this marriage of convenience between evil and all the more evil. And this was done while Obama’s so-called ‘strategy’ of containment remains the same. Wanting to, as he calls it, ‘degrade’…notice he does NOT say destroy…the fighting power and resources of those whom he still will NOT call ‘muslim islamic terrorists,’ Obama wants us to believe that he can ‘contain’ ISIS with proven-to-date to be mostly ineffective limited and targeted airstrikes in both Iraq and Syria.

And let’s NOT forget that Obama continues to have our people waste time and energy training unprepared and ill-performing Iraqi security forces, while at the same time trying to get the Iraqi government to kiss and make nice to the disaffected Sunnis amongst them.

With a ‘strategy’ like that it’s a wonder that we don’t just raise our hands in surrender.


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