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Lies, Injustice and the Clintonian Way (part 2 of 2)


By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots oncprworldwidemedia.net

hscan 1Yesterday, in Lies, Injustice and the Clintonian Way (part 1 of 2) I outlined Hillary’s email scandal and ended that article with, “From Watergate, where Hillary was fired from the investigation for unethical behavior to Servergate where she tried to slip all of her emails past official detection…with Whitewater…Vince Foster and Benghazi and many other scandals all sandwiched in between…Hillary Clinton has started to become a pariah to even some in the mainstream liberal media. So much so that she will NOT be running in 2016 or ever for that matter.”

“It’s not just this email scandal that is behind it either but…I’ll have more on that tomorrow.”

Well, the time has come to expose what I believe to be the true roots of an upcoming decision by Hillary Clinton NOT to make another run at the presidency in 2016.

To connect the dots, we must first return to 2008 when, in the couple of years leading up to the democrat national convention…all eyes were on Hillary. She was seemingly the heir apparent. The nomination was hers and republicans had geared up for THAT specific fight.

Then…along came Barack Hussein Obama and everything changed. Hillary was NOT nominated and the rest, as they say, has been history.

It should come as no great surprise to anyone who watches these events, REALLY watches these events, that the mainstream liberal media is now starting to turn on Hillary. Too many people believe it’s the email scandal that was the last straw but…

I contend that it’s just the latest straw.

The problem for some of them has been, I believe, that they…the liberal lapdog hscan 2media…has been made fools of by Obama and they know it. It’s just that they went all in on the community organizer and socialist Muslim back in 2008 and they’re too damn arrogant to admit they’ve been wrong all along. They can’t afford to do it again…can’t afford to protect Hillary’s ample ass the way they have protected Obama’s narrow ass all these years.

By going after Hillary…they are trying to lend an illusion of credibility to their publications and broadcasts before a Republican gets elected to the White House in 2016 so that when they start going after that republican, they won’t face the burning questions regarding why, despite the mountain of evidence, they never went after Obama.

Make no mistake, this is not an epiphany it is a revelation to which they have been led. In fact, I believe they were first led to it IN 2008.

To see the big picture, one must step back a little from the current situation of this email scandal and ask a very important question.

hscan 3Just how DID Hillary Clinton become the Secretary of State? How did someone with absolutely NO foreign policy experience and whose only previous claim to fame being that she was the wife of Monika Lewinsky’s boyfriend become anything at all other than an empty humidor?

First, to regain her self-esteem she carpet-bagged her way into the senate and then, she set her sights on the White House…she was going to rise above Billy’s philandering…but that all fell through didn’t it?

I don’t believe for one minute that her ascension to Secretary of State was Obama’s idea. It was, I believe, the consolation prize offered by the DNC. Give her something big, some important post to shut her up and she’ll eventually walk away altogether.

The DNC didn’t want her in 2008…they didn’t want her to make noise and ruin the chances for a second Obama term in 2012 and they don’t want her for 2016.

After all, when asked to highlight her accomplishments as the Secretary of State…Hillary couldn’t come up with a single thing.

When you think about it…it’s no wonder they backed Obama in 2008…. …a man who’s entire past has been erased or buried rather than Hillary…who’s past follows her like a black cloud from hell.

It goes all the way back to 1972 in fact, when Hillary Rodham was working on the committee investigating Watergate.

According to Jerry Zeifman, the liberal Democrat attorney who supervised the work ohscan 4f a then 27-year-old Hillary Rodham on the committee investigating Watergate. ..the very man who FIRED Hillary from that committee AND refused to provide her with a letter of recommendation (and for the record, in his 17 year long career, Hillary was but 1 of only 3 people so rebuked by Zeifman) the reason for her firing was… “Because she was a liar. She was an unethical, dishonest lawyer. She conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of the committee and the rules of confidentiality.”

Sounds as though nothing in Hillary’s wheelhouse has changed a bit over the past 43 years.

What followed that debacle was a string of other unethical and illegal activities that included Whitewater, Vince Foster, Filegate and so many more well-publicized scandals that everybody has heard about and whether or not they choose to believe them….none have been disproven…just swept under the rug by the Clinton political machine.

The DNC knows full well that all of those scandals, along with the new ones…Benghazi…Huma Abedin…the emails and more will come back to haunt HER and the party should she run in 2016 which is why, I believe, they have turned their lapdogs of the Mainstream media loose.

hscan 5But there is more to it than that…more to it than Hillary’s past and present.

I also believe that the DNC has very little hope that, after 8 years of Obama, they can win the White House in 2016 and that they believe their only hope rests in the Conservatives doing what they did in both 2008 and again in 2012…splitting the vote via write in candidates or third party candidates thus allowing a liberal to walk into the White House through the back door.

2016 will be a chess game.

While the Republican establishment is looking for a ticket that comprises some of the Conservative hopes along with a more RINOistic element…the liberals will go for a ticket that crosses gender and cultural lines.

Liberals desperately need a woman to head their 2016 ticket and a Hispanic to balance that ticket so that any criticism can be labeled as a war on women and racist.hscan 6

Someone like Elizabeth Warren OR Claire McCaskill with Julian Castro would fit that bill nicely as any rebukes would be called by the left and their liberal media, misogynistic and any pointing out of Castro being a socialist or hammering on his motherly ties to LaRaza would be falsely called racism.

Make no mistake here…the DNC isn’t looking for a strong contender…what they’re looking for are those willing to play the victim card.

Republicans and the establishment will counter that with adding their own Hispanic to the ticket…most likely Rubio along with either Walker, who would appeal to most Conservatives or Jeb Bush who would completely satisfy the RINO wing.

The bottom line is this…the DNC knows full well that Hillary would be a losing choice regardless of who the Republicans choose so…she’s out.

I suspect that the reason Hillary has put off her announcement regarding her plans for 2016 is because she’s trying like hell to see if the old Clinton machine has any gas left in the tank but she’s going to realize that going to war with the party that made Bill infamous isn’t going to serve her retirement well.

I used to believe that her ego would have her running despite all else but now, I am more inclined to agree with Friend and RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS radio partner Diane Sori…sooner rather than later, I expect Hillary will tell us that she’s so excited to be a grandmother thhscan 7at she would rather spend her twilight years enlightening the spawn of Chelsea rather than in public life.

That is a script that will be written for her by the DNC and should she follow that script, I believe the DNC will see to it that her reward, rather than the White House, will be being absolved of any and all wrongdoing during her time as Secretary of State, including Benghazi, by the Obama regime’s corrupt Department of Justice or simply handed a pardon by Obama on his way out the door.


TODAY…Wednesday, March 11th on RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS on CPR Worldwide Media from 2 to 4pm, Craig and Diane will discuss Hillary’s press conference and rsp webher ‘screw you I’m turning over what I want’ attitude along with THIS 2 part series…Republican Senators finally growing a spine, and Boko Haram’s merger with ISIS.

Hope you can tune in:

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