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Remember When…Obama Was the Biggest Problem?


By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on cprworldwidemedia.net

remem 1Ummmm…Hello???

Remember Isis? You know…that merry band of 7th century barbarians with 21st century weapons that has been marauding their way across the Middle East and North Africa on their mission to form a caliphate?

Remember them?

How about Iran…the Islamic Republic headed up by the Ayatollah Ass-a-Hola that wants to wipe Israel from the map? You know…where they prance through the streets chanting DEATH TO AMERICA and WITH whom Obama capitulated so the ever-so-peaceful tribe could obtain nuclear weapons?

You DO remember THEM…don’t you?

Al-Qaeda…surely you remember al-Qaeda.

They didn’t REALLY go away the way Obama claimed in 2012 you know. They’re still out there, gaining strength.

Syria…THERE’S a little happy place for you what with their “rebels” armed with American weapons they got from Libyan “rebels” in Hillary Clinton and Obama’s Islamic version of Fast and Furious.

What about Benghazi?

Does Benghazi ring a bell for anyone out there? That’s where Hillary hired our ENEMIES to remem 2provide SECURITY for our diplomats and how exactly did THAT work out??? With Ambassador Stevens…Glen Doherty…Sean Smith and Tyrone Woods getting MURDERED in an ISLAMIC TERRORIST attack. That’s how it worked out.

Closer to home…in fact…AT home…has anyone out there happened upon our economy lately? Are you unemployed? Have you dropped OUT of the workforce? Yeah…you and about 1 out of every 3 Americans. Sort of sucks doesn’t it?

How’s Obamacare treating you? Got those nice, low premiums Obama promised you? How’s that doctor you liked? How’s that coverage you used to have and liked so much? Prescription costs going down nicely for you? Deductibles going down? Are you saving all that money…all that EXTRA money you’re no longer doling out to your old insurance company?

The EPA is running rough-shod over American businesses when they’re not busy poisoning rivers in Colorado. You KNOW, if some private company did that the EPA would FINE them right out of business so…how much do you suppose they’ll fine THEMSELVES?

Anybody seen the rest of Lois Lerner’s emails lately?

Hillary’s emailsREMEM 3?


Bueller? Bueller?

How ARE your kids doing with common core? Learning to add and subtract…telling you that it’s okay that 2+2=7???

Don’t know if anybody noticed but…since Obama took office it seems racism is back.

BLACK LIVES MATTER…just ask any black person standing on a street corner in Chicago who is defending Planned Parenthood.

Oh…here’s a little something that seems to have slipped people’s minds…our national debt is now up to $18,3 TRILLION dollars…and rising faster than rocket on Viagra.

It’s hard to quantify, out of all of these things, which is THE biggest problem we face as a nation…they’re ALL bad and they ALL put us in dire straits…hell…some of them are trying to KILL US ALL but…if you have been on social media over the past week or so…scrolling through your Facebook newsfeed or watching your Twitter feed roll along like a bullet train…the biggest problem…THE biggest problem we face as a nation is clear enough that STEVIE WONDER could see it.REMEM 4

Megyn Kelly.

Driven by social media liberal trolls and left over Paulbots from 2012…far too many REAL conservatives are being duped into beliving that Megyn Kelly is worse than ISIS…worse than al-Qaeda…worse than the caliphate…worse than Iran with nuclear weapons…worse than the treason committed by Hillary and Obama…worse than Hillary’s espionage…worse than our workforce participation rate and the REAL unemployment rate…worse than IRS targeting, EPA regulations, the national debt, street goons, assaults on our 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, or 10th Amendment rights…worse than common core…worse than Obamacare and worse than ANY damn thing that is ACTUALLY plaguing our nation, driving us all to the poor house or trying to separate our heads from our bodies.

Yep…according to so-called Conservatives on social media…SOMETHING sure as hell MUST be done about…

Megyn Kelly.

Remember when bakeries, pizza parlors and whether or not gay people should be allowed remem 5to get married was THE biggest problem we faced as a nation?

If that’s too far removed from the top of mind for you to remember…Just ask Wild Bill for a Theocracy…he’s more obsessed with gay people than GAY people are and to HIM…it’s STILL the biggest problem we face as a nation but he’s wrong…

It’s Megyn Kelly….Wild Bill doesn’t like her one BIT…and SHE isn’t even a LESBIAN.

Trolls are busy, day and night, posting pictures of Brooklyn Decker in her undies on a couch and some Russian model wearing a semi-see-through top…CLAIMING they are BOTH photos of Megyn Kelly and REAL Conservatives are sharing them like kooties in a 3rd grade classroom because this Megyn Kelly person MUST be stopped.

And why? Why IS Megyn Kelly the death of us all if she isn’t ridden out of our lives on a rail?

Because she DARED to ask…of all people…Donald Trump if he was going to mount a 3rd party candidacy? Because she had the unmitigated GAUL to ask Trump, when liberals remem 6claim that Republicans are waging a war on women, why has he said such rude and crude things to women like telling Brande she would be a pretty sight down on her knees?

How DARE she ask Donald Trump, in a political debate…exactly when he actually became a Republican…like THAT has one DAMN thing to do with running for the presidency AS a Republican.

He refused to answer that question.

How come she didn’t ask him something pertaining to his position on one of the major policy issues…perhaps on a policy issue that he, Donald Trump, has been very, VERY vocal about. Oh, I don’t know…maybe about the BORDER and Trump’s claims to have hard and fast EVIDENCE regarding the Mexican government’s involvement in illegal immigration?

remem 7Yeah…why DIDN’T Megyn Kelly ask Trump about THAT???

She did…and he said that the hard and fast evidence was what people…he didn’t actually NAME the people but…it was what people had told him.

Of all the low down, dirty, unseemly and downright despicable things Megyn Kelly could have done…she sank so low as to ask Trump questions Trump didn’t want to answer…on national television…during a prime time debate…where candidates are supposed to be vetted.

How dare she.

And to make matters worse…Kelly ASKED those questions like a journalist should and then…and THEN…she demanded answers like the prosecuting attorney she used to be.


After all…we don’t want a moderator asking our candidates tough questions…what WE want is a moderator who will CODDLE and COVER for OUR candidates…you know…like Candi Crowley did for Obama back in 2012…right?remem 8

Yep…forget all the real problems we face…forget the dire situations we find ourselves in today on the home front and on the world stage because…Megyn Kelly IS the problem. Why…if she is allowed to keep her show on Fox News or…God forbid…she ever shows up at another debate…the apocalypse is upon us.

She is the 4th horseman don’t ya know.

Remember when…Obama and the liberal/socialist agenda were the biggest problems we, as Conservatives, faced?

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