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Emails, Servers, Leaks, and Cover-Ups…Part 2


By: Craig Andresen and Diane Sori / Right Side Patriots on CPR Worldwide Media / www.cprworldwidemedia,net

pant 1Yesterday, in Part 1 of “Emails, Servers, Leaks, and Cover-Ups,” we outlined the more than suspicious nature of Platte River Networks, the company that has been in charge of Hillary Clinton’s private email accounts and server since 2013. Given how deep the scandal goes, not to mention the cover-up of the entire situation from alpha to omega…it should not be a bit surprising that the Director of Sales and Marketing for Platte River Networks, one David DeCamillis was once accused of 14 counts of fraud while raking in $1.5 million dollars as an executive for $500 million dollar Ponzi scam artist Lou Pearlman. DeCamillis then took the position at Platte River Networks and declared bankruptcy owing some $24 million dollars in debts.

All of this, along with the disclosures we related in Part 1 of this 2 Part report leads one to wonder just what sort of background checks or vetting was done by Hillary Clinton before striking the deal with Platte River Networks. Easy money would say none but…if you were going to violate the espionage Act of 1917 and knew you would have a great deal to hide…would you go with an above-board company or with an outfit like Platte River which is looking none too good right now?

And who do you suppose paid for the wiping of those servers? We suspect it was Arab monies, via donations to and possibly laundered through the Clinton Foundation that picked up that tab.

Let’s now get down to the emails of Hillary’s that we actually know of, who leaked them and why.

Last Tuesday, with a wink and a nod, Hillary finally agreed to turn over her private server to the FBI. Why? Because she had ample time to wipe it completely clean and sanitize whatever was there that forensic analysts would have found.

What was on that private server when the FBI finally got their hands on it?

Nothing. Absolutely nothing which is exactly what we all knew would be the case.

However…in some of the emails Hillary did turn over…there was classified information. highly classified information. In fact…at least two of the minute sample of 40 emails that came from Hillary Clinton contained…“Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmented Information,” which is one of the, if not the highest level of classifications used by the government and its 17 intel community agencies.

At least 39 other emails discovered in a larger sample size last week also contained classified intel including the locations of fighter jets involved in NATO missions…pant 2locations and sizes of no-fly zones, details of a U.S. drone operation and the location of Ambassador Chris Stevens who was, shortly thereafter, murdered in an Islamic terrorist attack masterminded by the very “security” team…al-Qaeda’s February 17 Brigade that Hillary’s Department of State hired after drawing down our own security staff in Benghazi.

As of yesterday, the number of Hillary’s emails, kept in her private email accounts and on her private servers, in direct violation of the Espionage Act of 1917, reached 300 and Department of State officials now advise that there could well be many more.

It is beyond shameful…it is outright illegal…treasonous and directly violates the Espionage Act of 1917 but…here’s the real question…

How is it that this information about the contents of some of those highly sensitive and classified emails, from the private servers and private accounts of Hillary Clinton is reaching the public?

It’s been leaked to the media but…if Hillary really is the heir to the Obama throne…why?


We have been saying, for several months now, we believe that Hillary will not make it all the way to the primaries. We have also been quite clear and consistent in our belief that the DNC does not want a Hillary Clinton nomination. If they wanted her, they would have pushed her in 2008 but instead, the DNC turned their back on her for Obama…giving Hillary the consolation prize of Secretary of State.

If they, the DNC, didn’t want Hillary then, they sure don’t want her now as she comes with more baggage than a passenger train.

The question is…who is behind the leaks?

pant 3We suspect it’s the DNC that went to Obama and pulled his puppet strings telling him to orchestrate the leaks. Obama in turn engaged his right hand Islamic attack dog…Valerie Jarrett…to handle the dirty work so as to keep his hands as clean as possible and she…Jarrett…then went to Hillary’s right hand Islamic guard dog…Huma Abedin…for the inside scoop on the corruption but why would Abedin, all but assured of Jarrett’s post should Hillary become the Queen, turn on her golden goose?

To keep herself out of jail.

Abedin has had access to everything Hillary since Hillary’s appointment to the State Department and Abedin has, without doubt, been there for every nefarious and treasonous thing Hillary has done including Benghazi. Abedin has also been the keeper of Hillary’s secrets…secrets like her private email accounts and her secret servers…not to mention that Abedin would not only know what was in all those emails, as she most likely sent and received the vast majority of them but she also knows where all the cyber-bodies are buried as well.pant 4

In a deal that would keep her from wearing an orange jumpsuit for the next decade or more…Abedin, we suspect, has flipped…providing Jarrett with enough intel on Hillary’s classified email intel to sell her boss down the proverbial river but…this is a slippery slope for Obama.

You have to understand when it comes, especially to Benghazi and most likely to the preemptive Iran deal before the Kerry deal…a deal which was struck by Obama with the Iranian Islamic Republic back in 2011….Hillary Clinton has all that dirt on Obama.

So…while Obama enlists his Islamic right hand to go after Hillary’s Islamic right hand in a pant 5deal that keep’s Hillary’s Abedin out of prison…is Hillary using the dirt she has on her boss…Obama…to keep herself out of a federal prison?

We certainly believe she is doing exactly that.

Hillary, we believe, has been acting the part of a shill ever since she announced her candidacy…knowing that this email situation could well be the very thing to take her out of the running and remember, this whole scandal was first leaked to the NY Times (again, we now believe, by Abedin as per the orders we believe were directed by the DNC to Obama and carried out by Jarrett) but we also believe that Hillary has, at least in part, covered her ass…so to speak or, perhaps more to the point…she has had her ass covered for her.

It’s more than just a fair guess or speculation that, when all is said and done, Hillary will receive an Obama pardon at the end of his term for any and all misdeeds done during her rein at the Department of State but who do you suppose set that particular ball in motion?

We’re betting on Bill Clinton, the deal maker, who knows, in scandals, there is money to be pant 9made on the speaking and book circuit. While Hillary’s memoirs flopped at the bookstores nationwide, it would be a whole different tune should she write a book regarding her scandals…a “straightening” of the record as though a Clinton would ever tell the truth in any tell all publication but it would garner income in the way of advances from publishers engaged in a bidding war.

We suspect Bill may well have told Obama to issue an all-encompassing pardon to Hillary should things get ugly or else…or else Hillary would spill it all regarding Obama’s involvement in Benghazi and possibly other matters as well. The Clintons are vindictive and they won’t fall on the sword for anyone…especially Barack Hussein Obama.

And that leaves us with two names…Valerie Jarrett and Cheryl Mills…Mills being Hillary’s left hand at the Department of State and who is, herself, now in the hot seat regarding her knowledge and possession of emails from Hillary’s private accounts and servers.

pant 10First…Valerie Jarrett. What’s in this for her?

We suspect that Obama either has already lined up a plum position at the U.N. for his after-the-White-House life or he will do so in short order once he rolls up the oval office prayer rugs and since he can’t seem to tie his shoes or blow his own nose without first receiving Jarrett’s permission and even then, without her assistance…guess who gets an even bigger office with the whole world dancing at the end of the same puppet strings attached to Obama…Valerie Jarrett the Islamist behind the Islamist. She’s certainly not going to mess that up by protecting Hillary Clinton and remember, both Jarrett and Abedin have ties, direct ties to the Muslim Sisterhood which certainly would be an asset in getting what she, Obama and the DNC want from Abedin.

Finally, Cheryl Mills, the other close aide to Hillary Clinton who has had, in her possession, emails from the Clinton.com servers and accounts and who, like Abedin, is now under investigation but lest you think she will become the sacrificial lamb in all of this…think again, as Mills is nobody’s stooge. Cheryl Mills is a very adept attorney in her own right, an accomplished former CEO for the BlackIvy Group that builds businesses in Sub-Saharan Africa and a former high level diplomat having served as counselor and chief of staff at thepant 11 U.S. Department of State where she managed the foreign policy and operational priorities for the $55 billion agency among other endeavors but none of that is what we believe will keep her from either taking the fall or implicating Hillary Clinton.

It is Cheryl Mills’ close ties to the Clintons, both Hillary as we all know and to Bill when she served as deputy general counsel of the Clinton/Gore Transition Planning Foundation and it was Cheryl Mills who provided Bill Clinton’s defense before the Senate during the impeachment that ultimately saw him acquitted. Now, of course, Cheryl Mills sits as a Board Director of the Clinton Foundation so, there are millions of dollars of reasons neither Hillary nor Bill will throw her under the bus as both Bill and Hillary owe their continued political careers to Mills. She too will be protected.

So who, if anybody, will take the hit over the Hillary’s illegal email activity? Underlings…nobodies…those to whom blame can be assessed without harm to Hillary due to their lack of knowledge of what was really in those emails or of what happened to those emails that have yet to be recovered…if they are ever recovered, or further leaks come at all.

Let’s sum this up from the beginning…we believe Platte River Networks copied Hillary’s emails before the servers were wiped clean, Huma Abedin leaked the emails to keep herself out of prison; Valerie Jarrett, on the DNC’s and Obama’s orders, orchestrated the entire email scenario to prevent Hillary from becoming president; and Cheryl Mills knows all and has been silencSCAND 1ed by greed.

.If charges for multiple violations of the Espionage Act of 1917 are not pending, the Obama regime should be expecting multiple lawsuits from the eight whistle-blowers they have charged…more than any other administration in our history…in accordance with said Act. If not…the double standard hopefully will be obvious even to liberal voters, who will then do what the DNC so desperately wants…by turning their collective backs on Hillary Clinton…the presumptive liberal/socialist nominee.

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