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Beware of Liberal Wolves Dressed as Shepherds


real 1When it comes to the next two elections, November 2014 and November 2016, we…as Conservatives, MUST get our priorities in line or we will not only lose those elections…we’ll lose this country.

When I say ‘priorities’ I mean our platform.

Simply put, we win on policy and we WILL lose on social issues.

I know there are some Conservatives out there reading this who will say I’m off base and that’s okay…they’re dead wrong.  They are entitled to their opinions but if they want to take this country back…back from liberals and their warped ideology of socialism leading to communism and back from the abyss of big government control of our lives and businesses and back from the brink of global disaster…They need to understand exactly what the real problems this nation faces ARE.

Right now, our southern border is wide open. Illegal aliens are flooding in by the hundreds of thousands and tens of thousands of those illegal aliens are children. Tens of thousands of them are infested with contagious diseases and Obama has our military acting as baby sitters while our agencies, originally put in place to protect our border are being tasked with being the taxi service that disperses these illegal aliens throughout OUR country rather than sending them back to THEIR countries.

It’s illegal. It’s human trafficking being carried out by our own government and it is a gross violation of our Constitution.

This is not a social issue…

None of those flooding across our border illegally by the hundreds of thousands are coming here for an abortion.REAL 2

They’re coming to take from us. To take our welfare, our medical care, our food stamps, our education and those who decide to commit crimes on top of their illegal entry into our nation will get free housing, a cot and meals provided at our expense in our prisons.

This week, Obama will BE in Texas, the state where the levee against illegal aliens has been breached most widely but at this time he has no plans to visit the border…he’ll be holding a democrat fund raiser instead.

Liberals intend to get as many illegal aliens into our country as possible, deposit them in places where they could use the votes and get them registered. THAT is the reason liberals want amnesty…icing on the freebie cake…and you can bet your last dollar they would secure our border if they thought for one minute that 99.9 percent of illegal aliens would vote for a conservative.

THERE’S a REAL problem and it has nothing whatsoever to do with social issues.

Meanwhile, over in the Middle East…ISIS and various other branches of Islamic terror organizations are rapidly building a caliphate of murder and destruction. Iraq has nearly fallen. Terrorist elements in Syria are being armed by Obama to wrest control of that country just as they did with Obama’s assistance in Libya. Egypt remains in turmoil after Obama’s planned Muslim Brotherhood takeover failed there. Obama has REAL 3presented the terrorist loving Qartaris with the Taliban war cabinet in return for a single American deserter. He’s told Israel to return to indefensible pre 1967 borders and continues to provide diplomatic “time and space” for Iran, a country of terrorists with which we have no diplomatic relations, to build nuclear weapons and he actively backs and supports the terror organization Hamas.

Obama helps create vacuums of power in the most dangerous region on earth so they can be filled by 7th century barbarians using Obama provided 21st century weapons to commit Jihad and murder in the name of a political ideology of hate and death called Islam.

If you think the problem over there is that we’re not praying enough over here…I wish you all lots of luck when terrorist organizations control much of the world’s available supply of crude oil but you’re going to look pretty silly on your knees begging God for lower gas prices in a few months. We’ve got enough energy under OUR soil to keep us running for centuries but it’s not a social issue that won’t drill for it…it’s Obama and his liberal ideology refusing to allow our energy independence.

Our economy is on life support. Obamacare is wreaking havoc on our businesses and personal bank accounts. You now have to rely on a panel of 15 unelected bureaucrats to decide what, if any, medical attention you will get when push comes to shove and last Thursday, at 4:15pm after almost every American had started their Independence Day weekend celebrations or travel, Obama and his minions released 1300 pages of NEW Obamacare regulations spelling out how doctors will be compensated for their practices.

That’s pure, unadulterated socialism bordering on communism folks but not a social issue in sight.

Our GDP for the first quarter of 2014 shrank to a negative 2.9 percent. Gas prices are on the rise, Obama wants  to throw more and more of your money at failing and flailing green energy companies while he and his EPA goons are wiping out our coal industry and not building a new pipeline from Canada or drilling holes in OUR ground.REAL 4

The IRS, The SAME IRS that’s all set up to be the Obamacare enforcement goon squad has been politically targeting groups who are opposed to Obama, the Department of Justice is being run by an Obama minion who turns a blind eye to Obama’s trampling of the Constitution…the NSA is watching and collecting data on everything we do, say, think, buy and do…Mexican drug cartels have been armed by Obama…Our allies no longer trust us, our enemies no longer fear us, household incomes are going down while the cost of living is going up and more people drop out of the workforce every day. Our kids are being indoctrinated into the liberal ideology at government schools from kindergarten through college, our veterans are dying on waiting lists being hidden from public view because of Obama’s policy of paying bonuses based on shorter waiting lines, treason was committed in Benghazi leading to the deaths of four Americans and Obama has vowed to continue HIS reign of terror against our Constitution.


Because gay people are going to be gay?

Really? THAT’S the problem???

We’re talking about two percent of the entire American population being gay while 47 percent are registered democrat…not using common core math I calculate that liberals out number gays by somewhere near 45% so which do you really believe is the BIGGER issue? Gay people or LIBERAL VOTERS???

Here’s some breaking brutally honest news for you…there is no way to pray the gay out of someone but liberals CAN be VOTED out of office..

REAL 5Gee whiz…maybe if we just split our votes this November and again in 2016 like we did in 2012…THAT will solve the problem huh?

Evangelicals in 2012 just couldn’t bring themselves to vote for the MORMON so they SAW to it that the MUSLIM got reelected and surprise, surprise…they’re still complaining about what the Muslim is doing to our nation.

Want some more brutal honesty?

Liberals shit stinks out loud but they’ve got theirs together. Our side of the political aisle on the other hand…doesn’t.

As long as we consider the social issues to be the most important issues and keep splitting our votes between numbers of candidates that adhere to our particular brand of social issue conservatism while OTHER particular Conservative factions back OTHER specific candidate because THEY adhere to This, that and the OTHER conservative group’s top social issue platform…we’re gonna lose election after election until we completely lose our nation.

And then who are we going to blame?

Jesus? God?

Reality check…neither of them vote.

WE vote and while liberals may not necessarily like the blue dog Democrats, they VOTE for the one whose name appears on the ballot without splitting THEIR vote a dozen ways per contested seat.

That is how THEY won in 2012 and that is how they’ll win again in 2014 and 2016 because, they’re counting on CONSERVATIVES to commit POLITICAL SUICIDE by focusing on the SOCIAL ISSUES.

47% of our nation are registered Democrats…47% are registered Republicans and the remaining 6% are registeredREAL 7 hot air balloons drifting whichever way the political winds seem to be blowing but, if we Conservatives can quit the infighting long enough to focus on the political/policy issues and drop the holier than thou social issues stances…the independent hot air balloons will drift towards US and AWAY from the liberals.

Far too many Conservatives insist that government stay the hell out of their lives and out of their religious choices while at the same time insist that their personal religious choices be inserted into government and use that hypocrisy to guide their hand at the ballot box.

As Conservatives…are we really going to swim in the ocean with sharks while our nation bleeds around us and worry about the goldfish in the aquarium???

Christianity wasn’t any more a part of our government when life was more simple and things were good, or more vacant from it today as we spin out of control. That’s just a fact however, at the same time, another fact presents itself. GOD…or perhaps a better word…faith…WAS a bigger part of the personal lives of Americans when things were good.

Nobody is saying to abandon faith in one’s personal life, in one’s family life or in one’s chosen place of worship…quite to the contrary…families who share their faith are stronger for it, more centered and communities flourish because of it. Stronger morals bring about less crime. Theirs is absolutely nothing wrong with practicing one’s faith as one sees fit.

But if we vote based solely on our individual religious tenants and how they apply to social issues, America being a nation populated by a multitude of differing religious tenants, we WILL lose our nation because those various social issues really only affect a very minor percentage of our population while, the bigger and outrageously important political and policy issues effect our ENTIRE population.

238 years ago, Patriots spent blood and treasure to separate from the rule of tyranny and become independent of a country governed by religious REAL 8edicts. Are we, as today’s Patriots, willing to plunge our nation back into that very situation?

No REAL Conservative would entertain such a notion however, I believe that some good Conservative Patriots are currently being conned by wolves dressed as shepherds who would lead their flocks into oblivion by intentionally splitting the vote based on a false call to take up the social sword over that of what is truly best for our nation or over uniting, despite our differing approaches to society in the effort to save our nation. By splitting the Conservative vote based on social issues they are indeed aiding and abetting the liberal cause.

America’s destiny does not hinge on social issues any more than it hinges on the skin color or religious affiliation of those we elect as our leaders but it does depend on the direction of political policy.

The moral high ground this November and in November of 2016 is not voting your individual conscience as YOUR individual conscience is yours alone, it is in voting to reverse our nation’s course away from the bottomless abyss based on political and policy matters for the good of the nation domestically and on the world stage.

If we don’t save our nation now, we will have no opportunity to improve our society later.

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