From Craig Andresen and Diane Sori
As many of the readers of this blog know, Diane Sori of The Patriot Factor and I are partners on RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS, our radio show on CPR Worldwide Media and a few months ago, between our two blogs and our show, we exposed the truth regarding Benghazi.
Since then, RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS and CPR have been targeted by the Obama regime. Repeated attempts have been made to knock of off the air with cyber attacks coming from the east coast to the west coast…the middle of a farm field in Kansas and even from a point 420 miles due west of the coast of Spain in the Atlantic Ocean.
The CEO of CPR has had his tires slashed and his vehicle further vandalized and a note left on it warning our CEO, Michael Collins-Windsor to “stop the investigative reports or next time it won’t just be your tires getting slashed.”
The surveillance tapes from that event were taken from local law enforcement by two FBI agents days later.
The owner of the company that licenses CPR for the ability to legally play music had two FBI agents show up at his HOME at 8:30pm on a Saturday ordering HIM to PULL THE STREAMING LICENSE in an attempt to close CPR down. He was reportedly threatened, told to shut the ‘F’ up and do what he was told or he would lose his business.
That, by the way, was NOT the only time he was told by the FBI to shut CPR down.
It was at that point that both Diane and I were labeled by that particular duo of being “potential threats to national security.”
Two FBI agents then showed up at Collins-Windsor’s bank demanding his records but were turned away as they did NOT have any court order to take those records.
Two men showed up one day at Collins-Windsor’s office where they took photos of the building.
Are you starting to get the picture here?
As the cyber attacks continued against RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS and CPR, we, Diane and myself, continued to expose the Obama regime…on government land grabs and on the IRS targeting scandal both in our blogs and on our radio show.
Thursday July 10th, things came to a head and what follows is a MOST disturbing portrait of a ‘presidential’ regime gone rogue.
I was beginning to write my usual Friday Fume, seen here every Friday in The National Patriot when I was contacted by Michael Collins-Windsor. He informed me he was “fixin’ to be arrested” and his response to my question of “why” was jaw dropping.
Michael informed me that he had just received a phone call from a HIGHLY placed Obama regime ‘official’ WARNING him to stop what we have been doing, spreading the truth and exposing the regime and her boss (MY words, certainly not hers) or bad things were going to happen.
It was at this point that Collins-Windsor had had enough and admittedly, he went OFF on this woman…calling her every name in the book…informing her in NO uncertain terms that THIS was AMERICA and NOT the damn USSR and OUR Constitution gives ALL of us the RIGHT to SPEAK OUR DAMNED MINDS!!!
If you had any idea how I cleaned that up…the conversation was decidedly NOT pretty and while I have heard a recording, I could only hear Michael’s end of the conversation, not ot hers, but trust me when I tell you that Michael Collins-Windsor spared NOTHING from his end of it.
So…from whom was that call placed???
And then came the next shocker of the day as we traced the number from Michael’s caller ID…
While Michael, Diane, myself and another (nameless here to do what I can to protect his safety) were discussing the situation, Michael’s phone rang again and we were ALL privy to Michael’s end of the conversation as it happened live.
Believe me, if you could have heard what WE heard for the next 5 minutes…you would have a VERY clear understanding of what an AMERICAN, and one who has fought for and been wounded in the defense of our nation really sounds like.
Michael was AGAIN warned and THREATENED…told to stop the investigative pieces…TOLD TO STOP DIANE AND I…and told that he, Michael Collins-Windsor WOULD be ARRESTED to which Michael told THEM…”COME AND GET ME…YOU KNOW DAMN WELL WHERE I AM…ARREST ME…COME ON…GODDAMNIT…COME AND GET ME I AIN’T GOING ANYWHERE!!!”
Michael was ordered to stay right where he was and they were on their way.
And who exactly were THESE goons???
Some 90 minutes later…
Two of the palace guards…SECRET SERVICE and two of the goon squad…FBI…were at the home of Collins-Windsor and after a 90 minute ‘conversation’ Michael informed us of what went down.
They accused Michael of things he did not do…they accused Diane and myself of having certain access to information we did not have…they threatened him with the IRS…with arrest for, of all things…BEING DISRESPECTFUL of the regime…the list of government abuses goes on and on and they threatened to RETURN WITH A COURT ORDER TO SEARCH THE COMPUTERS OF MICHAEL COLLINS-WINDSOR FOR INFORMATION THEY ARE JUST SO SURE HE HAS…but in reality, simply doesn’t exist.
Friends and Patriots…this is happening in the United States of America. A nation of laws being broken daily by the Obama regime. If it’s happening to Michael Collins-Windsor, a military veteran and Conservative Patriot and to myself and my partner and friend Diane Sori…because we have exercised our rights to FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION under the 1st Amendment…
SATURDAY… July 12th at 11am EST…CPR Worldwide Media will rebroadcast our SPECIAL RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS show and we WILL provide even MORE details regarding this ABHORRENT situation.
On Thursday night, we wewre joined, live on the air, by the CEO of CPR Radio, Michael Collins-Windsor as we exposed a 1st Amendment trampling that affects ALL Americans.
We will continue to expose these tactics and provide details and trust me when I tell you…I have ONLY scratched the surface of today’s events in this article. There IS more…MUCH more and you will be SHOCKED at what you will hear.
Join Diane Sori and myself…SATURDAY…JULY 12th at 11AM EST for an URGENT RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS SPECIAL REPORT…”A REGIME GONE ROGUE…AMERICA IN THE BALANCE,” which will be immediately followed by our ORIGINAL BENGHAZI SPECIAL at 1pm EST!!!