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Obama’s Deal With the Devil…Part 3 of 3


By Craig Andresen and Diane Sori  Right Side Patriots on American Patriots Broadcasting Network

odev 1In Part 1of our Investigative Report: ‘Obama’s Deal With the Devil’, we presented why we believe Obama gave the speech he did and why the San Bernardino police are acting after the fact in a way they should have acted before the fact. In Part 2 of ‘Obama’s Deal With the Devil’, we disclosed who Obama really is and why things are unfolding as they are including outing those who are not what they seem to be. And now Part 3…

On Monday, Barack HUSSEIN Obama spoke at the Pentagon to tout what he wants us to believe are successes in the fight against ISIS in Syria. “As we squeeze its heart, we’ll make it harder for ISIL to pump out its terror and propaganda”…and note his once again shout-out to the Levant.

And while Obama tried to sound reassuring, it was more apparent that he is desperate. He is desperate to regain that which he has lost…his hold over the forces of islam…a hold which existed only in his arrogance as he was never the one calling the shots, but was the one who all along has been bowing to the demands of 7th century barbarians.

Obama bragged about a “record number” of bombs being dropped over Syria in odev 2November, but absent from his empty rhetoric were any ‘kill statistics’…verifiable or otherwise…because obviously there have been scarcely any ‘kills’ to speak of. What Obama is attempting to do, in our opinion, is placate the islamist dogs with his own brand of propaganda.

We also believe that what happened just two weeks ago in San Bernardino was more than just a shot over Obama’s bow by ISIS, and more than likely a precursor to what comes next now that any perceived deal with that particular devil has ended.

Syria, we believe, was the last straw as far as ISIS and the devils of islam are concerned. The promise we now believe Obama made to his “religion of peace” was that they would have their own nation-state…a base of operations with an islamist government replete with sharia law, and it was to have been Egypt. That promise collapsed as the Egyptian people threw Muslim Brotherhood puppodev 3et President Mohamed Morsi from power and replaced him with a secular government under the control of Abdel Fattah el-Sisi.

From that point on, Obama has tried to reconnect with the forces of islam by supplying them with arms, intel, our military strategy…as in when exactly we would be leaving the theaters of war…and with promises to take their so-called ‘refugees’ into our country to walk our streets without our ever being able to properly vet them.

As Obama felt his deal…a deal that he would support islam’s barbarians every and any way he possibly could (including trying to place blame for such attacks elsewhere) and in return islam would keep their barbarism over there, somewhere else, but not let their pre-planned attacks occur here on American soil, Obama tried to hedge his bet with another deal…one that has paved the way for a nuclear armed Iran. Why else would he, against any sense of logic, endeavor to give the world’s most feared weapon to a rogue, terrorist-sponsoring state like Iran if not to attempt to send a message to ISIS and its ilk that if they weren’t grateful for all he, Barack HUSSEIN Obama, had done for them…perhaps someone else would be more grateful.

No doubt, playing both ends of islam against the middle was nodev 4ot to the liking of ISIS, and we believe that the attempt to oust Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad was to have been Obama’s ‘make good’ for having not propped up Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. But with Obama’s failure to prevent Putin from engaging Russia’s military from interfering with the grand islamic plan, including endangering a new islamic base of operations with Damascus as it’s capitol, has, we believe, signaled the end of Obama’s perceived deal with the islamist devil.

Remember, Obama had told us that al-Qaeda was on the run, which turned out to be mere propaganda to secure the vote in 2012, and then al-Qaeda overran Benghazi. He also told us that ISIS was contained, yet more propaganda aimed at soothing the barbarians of islam, and then Paris happened. And in the wake of the Paris islamic terrorist attack that left 132 dead, Obama told us that we have nothing to fear from ISIS in America, as he tried to make it palatable to import islamic so-called ‘refugees’ leaving out that embedded within them would be ISIS operatives. And what transpired just two days later…San Bernardino.

Obviously, any deal Obama had with islam had been scrapped by islam, and the question he has been left to ask himself is, what more could he have done to curry theibbbbbr favor? After all, he supplied them, armed them, trained them, provided them with weapons, and he even went so far as to release their ilk from GITMO so that they could return to the battlefields and continue their barbaric rampage. Obama even traded five members of the Taliban war council for one American traitor, and now he’s been cut loose by the very people he did so much to help in their building of a new and prophesied Sunni caliphate.

It…Obama’s deal with the devil…was never about providing some obtuse protection of Americans on American soil…it was about securing his islamic legacy, a legacy now left to rot in the cesspools of the islamic world.

And with his fall from islamic grace Obama must now face not only the islamic hierarchy to whom he not so silently pledged his allegiance, but he also has to answer to and for his ‘middlemen’ so to speak, for with his fall they fall too. And by middlemen we mean his ‘puppet master’ Valerie Jarrett and Hillary’s crony Huma Abedin.

odev 7Valerie Jarrett, influence peddler loyal to both the Muslim Brotherhood and to Iran’s mullahs, will now see her place in the islamic pecking order knocked down quite a few pegs as she was counting on moving with Obama to a U.N. position in the government of the hoped for New World Order. But with Obama’s dismissal as a player in any future islamic game she is dismissed as well for her job was to keep him in line and make sure her string pulling complied with her own strings being pulled….and in that she failed miserably.

As for Huma Abedin, she was the Obama regime’s direct conduit to the Muslim Brotherhood. And by direct we mean bloodline direct as her mother, Dr. Saleha Abedin, is in the hierarchy of the Muslin Sisterhood, and her father has close ties with the Saudi government’s Muslim World League. Also, it was while Abedin was advising Hillary that the State Department abandoned its long-standing policy of having no dealings with the Muslim Brotherhood…and even in their outwardly supporting the Brotherhood, Obama still could not deliver the goods for it all goes back to his Arab Spring turned Arab Winter and his failed promise to secure land…to secure Egypt…for the caliphate.

Throughout his years in office, Barack Hussein Obama has done a great deal of damage to our nationodev 8al security on behalf of islam, including bringing into his inner circle of advisers more than half a dozen members of the Muslim Brotherhood as well as employing more than 72 DHS personnel who are on the terrorist watch list. Obama’s open border strategy…copied from the now-proven failure of Europe…has allowed any number of islamists to simply walk into our country, and his plan to bring in 10,000 Syrian so-called ‘refugees’…who are for the most part anything but true refugees…is nothing short of a desperate attempt to bring himself back into the islamic fold.

And on the world stage, Obama has turned his back on Israel, created one vacuum of power after another to be filled by islamists, and secured a path to a nuclear arsenal for Iran. And he did all this while he has rested…if not comfortably…arrogantly…in the false belief that islam would not visit upon American soil the same sort of barbarism they have exhibited elsewhere.

That has now come to an end, a very demonstrative end as shown in San Bernardino, California. And what we can expect from this point on is more of the same. More attacks. More deaths. More terror, and more well-planned visitations of violence against ‘We the People’ whose freedoms and liberties are an anathema to islam.

Islam now sees no future in having a ‘puppet’ in office as any Republican elected president in 2016, would take a much harder stance against our enemies and those of our allies, odev 9and would work hard to strengthen ties with our allies in an effort to rebuild lost trust. And islam could never trust a woman like Hillary Clinton to do their bidding, in the way they trusted Valerie Jarrett to do so throughout the Obama years. Jarrett, as mentioned above, was a behind-the-scenes conduit islam used to pull Obama’s strings but in the end she failed when Obama lost Egypt. And any female who might assume the presidency, no matter that she would hold the most powerful office in the world, would be seen by islam as mere chattel and nothing more.

And if that president was Hillary Clinton…a non-muslim who is on shaky grounds with our allies…she would most assuredly not fit islam’s bill because she needs Huma Abedin or someone like her to direct her every action in ways pleasing to islam. And with Abedin not being strong and domineering like Jarrett, and with Hillary being the loose cannon she is known to be, the islamist hierarchy could never fully trust Hillary to do right by them.

The final piece of the puzzle, the last dot to be connected in Obama’s deal with the islamists, is the fact that for no other reason than to placate islam and to bringodev 10 as many jihadis here as possible, the Obama regime has had in place a ‘secret’ policy that barred federal agencies from examining the social media posts of those whom, we believe, various islamic factions and Obama wanted placed here on American soil. Had that very policy not been in place, the San Bernardino islamic terrorist attack would not have happened as Tashfeen Malik, the female terrorist, had as far back as 2012, posted to Facebook her jihadi agenda and the fact that she wanted to become a martyr to the islamic cause.

According to John Cohen, former acting under-secretary of DHS, the federal agency that has 73 employees on the terrorist watch list, “The primary concern was that it would be viewed negatively if it was disclosed publicly and there were concerns that it would be embarrassing.”

Common sense tells us two vital things here. First, there is no embarrassment in providing the sort of security measures that would prevent Americans from being murdered in an islamist terrorist attack, and that the only person who would be embarrassed by such preventative measures would be the person who had made a deal with islam to look the other way while islam would hold off on such attacks for the duration of that person’s term as the president of the United States.

This explains Obama’s last two appearances before the cameras, first from the Oval Office and then from the Pentagon. Both times he was addressing islam not the American people. He was desperately trying to salvage his deal with islam. Think about it…not since aaaaa2010 had Obama spoken from the Oval Office, and only after his failed attempts to blame San Bernardino on guns and workplace violence did he stand (a sign of respect for islam as he turned his back on the Resolute Desk thus symbolically turning his back on America ) to send them the message, ‘Look at me…I am one of you, we had a deal…I held up my end of it as best I could…why have you gone back on your word…why have you turned your back on me after all I have done for you?’

Obama repeated the word ‘ISIL’ time and time again to show the factions of islam that he was with them and against our ally Israel. He was glassy-eyed, he looked shocked. Not shocked that the sort of attack that had taken place in Paris took place here, but shocked that it took place while he still thought he had a deal in place with the islamic hierarchy.

Obviously, no message was coming from the islamic leaders to reassure Obama so he took to the podium at the Pentagon to once again address islam, to once again try to salvage the deal by attempting to spread the same ‘dog and pony’ show cover story that he was stepping up the bombings of ISIS in Syria, and that great progress was being made despite any evidence to back up the claims.

Two speeches from the two most powerful rooms in the world…both to beg islam for another chance and neither of them to deliver any message other than propaganda to the obd 2American people.

San Bernardino was the islamic world’s signal to Obama that the deal was off and we believe it was only the tip of the iceberg. There will be more San Bernardinos to come and Obama’s legacy here at home will be measured, for years to come, in the number of graves containing the bodies of innocent victims of his treason while his legacy beyond the gates of hell, in the islamic world, will be little more than that he was a useful idiot while he lasted…a martyr to his own arrogance.

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