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Hillary Clinton – When Scandals Collide


By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on americanpbn.com

hs 1Normally, on the morning after a State of the Union speech, I would post an article regarding said speech however, this morning after is different.


Because, while I did watch it…I don’t really give a happy damn what that racist lying, traitorous, liberal/socialist, Muslim, terrorist supporting, anti-American, thug-loving, Marxist ass-kissing, Constitution-shredding pool of baboon vomit had to say.

In my opinion, we have bigger, bottom-dwelling, liberal/socialist, terrorist supporting, anti-American, thug-loving, Marxist ass-kissing, Constitution-shredding pools of baboon vomit to deal with and in that sense, I give you…

Hillary Clinton.

The probe into her law-breaking reign as the secretary of State has, once again, broadened and quite frankly, it doesn’t look good for the pant-suited, private server using tool.

Not only is Hillary Clinton sliding down in the polls, now losing to the ‘get off my lawn,’ hs 2cranky old socialist wind-bag Bernie Sanders in New Hampshire but she’s also losing in Iowa. The numbers, just 3 weeks out from Iowa’s caucus show Sanders leading Hillary 49% – 44% while in New Hampshire, Sanders, the Colonel Sanders of socialist chickens leads by a wide double digit margin.

But polls are polls and always subject to change. FBI probes, on the other hand, are far more telling than low to no information voters.

According to Joseph diGenova, a former the District of Columbia U.S. Attorney, “They are going to make a recommendation that people be charged and then Loretta Lynch is going to have the decision of a lifetime.” By “people” he means Hillary and her staff of minions and by “they,” he means the Obama regime.

Again, in the words of diGenova… “I believe that the evidence that the FBI is compiling will be so compelling that, unless [Lynch] agrees to the charges, there will be a massive revolt inside the FBI, which she will not be able to survive as an attorney general. It will be like Watergate. It will be unbelievable.”

hs 3The FBI probe is now expanding in two directions. First, in regards to Hillary’s use of private servers and her private email account in which she was sending and receiving classified information which, by the way, is against the law. In fact, in one exchange released by the Department of State last week…Hillary Clinton ordered one of those minions, Jake Sullivan, at the time her Deputy Chief of Staff, to violate the law and use her private email, on her private server, to send talking points that were…classified…because there was a problem with the secure fax process.

Here’s that exchange.

hs 4

This puts Hillary in a fine mess for two reasons. First, she has always claimed, or should I say lied, that she was unaware of anything being sent to her private email, on her private server that was deemed, or marked as classified. Obviously, since she conversed about what she knew full-well to be classified and ordered Sullivan to alter the markings and send it to her via her private email on her private server…that lie has now been fully exposed and second…doing so violates 18 USC 793: which clearly states that doing what she ordered to be done falls within “GROSS NEGLIGENCE” and that anyone engaging in such a practice...” Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both.”hs 5

For those of you keeping score at home, the number of Hillary Clinton’s classified email count is now up to 1,340 and climbing. That would be 1,340 times she, and her staff of minions, violated 18USC793 and according to a Fox news report, one former high-ranking Department of State official has disclosed that, “Clinton’s deliberate non-use of her government email address may be increasingly significant.”

“It is virtually automatic when one comes on board at the State Department to be assigned an email address. It would have taken an affirmative act not to have one assigned … and it would also mean it was all planned out before she took office. This certainly raises questions about the so-called legal advice she claimed to have received from inside the State Department that what she was doing was proper.”

The other side of the FBI probe expansion now calls into question Hillary Clinton’s hs 6Department of State connection to the Clinton Foundation and whether or not favors, official Department of State favors, were being doled out to foreign donors.

To really understand the scope of Hillary Clinton’s cash for favors schemes, one must look, not only at her time at the Department of State but into her time as a U.S. Senator where records indicate that she provided official favors to a developer, in order to build a shopping center in Syracuse after that developer made a sizable donation to the Clinton Foundation. That shopping center, Destiny USA, and its developer, Robert J. Congel , received more than $703 million dollars’ worth of government, taxpayer subsidies.

Also, during her carpet-bagging stint as a Senator from NY, Hillary fought against and led the charge to defeat a bill that would have placed major regulations on mortgage behemoth Freddie Mac but only AFTER Freddie Mac kickED somewhere between $50,000 and $100,000 into the Clinton Foundation.

Corning Inc., the fiber optics company also benefited from donating cash, $274,700, to Hillary’s campaign and PAC back in the day so it’s not hard to speculate that the sorts of hs 7under the table dealings that transpired for favors while Hillary was a Senator continued while she was at the department of State.

The list of foreign donors to the Clinton Foundation is nearly as long as the number of classified emails held on Hillary’s private server so it becomes easy to see where these two, seemingly separate arms of the expanded investigation are about to close ranks. Since Hillary’s decision to use a private server and private email, when a gov.com account was available, as per proper protocol, was a deliberate and preemptive move to give Hillary sole control and sole oversight over each and every email…a fact bolstered by the her disallowance of any and all Inspectors General inside the Department of State during her reign…Hillary was sending and receiving emails linking official Department of State favors with foreign donors and she wanted nobody to be the wiser.

Remember, Hillary Clinton only turned over half of her emails…deeming the other half to have been personal.hs 8

Personal my ass.

This is why, since last April, more than 100 FBI agents, under signed confidentiality agreements, have been working the corruption, the cash for favors end of this investigation and remember, the FBI has been FORENSICALLY investigating Hillary’s “wiped clean” server as only the FBI can unlocking the secrets Hillary thought were forever gone.

As we now are in 2016, with the first primaries just 3 weeks away, what should we expect? I believe the separate investigations, into her private email/classified email scandal and the corruption, cash for favors investigation will collide shortly and reach critical mass in the next couple of months to the point where it will be time for the Obama regime to file charges or sweep it all under Obama’s oval office prayer rug. The question everyone is asking, other than “when will this finally happen” is…will he or won’t he allow charges to be filed?

The answer, I believe, is not only yes…but HELL yes.hs 9

Neither Obama nor the DNC cares much for Hillary and they never really have. If they had given a rat’s ass about her in 2008, the DNC would have attached their little socialist wagon to her ample ass and they instead, they went with Obama. The DNC doesn’t really want Hillary as their nominee and why would they…considering they’d be backing an old bag with enough baggage to fill a cruise ship.

The DNC, in my opinion, will green-light Obama to have Lynch file charges in time to scuttle Hillary’s campaign and then, before he leaves office, Obama will autograph her official pardon so as not to taint their ever-so-precious Billy boy with her stink.

So, who does this leave for the liberal/socialist nomination? Bernie Sanders?

hs 10Yes, Joe Biden has made a few headlines over the last week or so, bemoaning the fact that he decided not to run but be aware, that is a distraction and no, the DNC isn’t sold on Sanders either. Remember, both my partner, Diane Sori and I have been warning you of the DNC surprise candidate, now HUD Secretary, Julian Castro, as he IS being groomed by the same team the DNC used to groom Obama a decade ago. What they, the DNC really wants is a young, socialist puppet who will allow himself to be used as Obama has, and one who will appeal to millennial socialists who embody the gimme, gimme entitlement generation as well as to the Hispanic, legal or illegal voting bloc.

While liberal elements continue to extent their trollish behavior in the effort to ghs 11et Conservatives to split our votes…the FBI is extending its investigations into Hillary Clinton so don’t be one bit shocked if the DNC thrusts Castro into the contest at the last minute to take full benefit of the split Conservative vote, just as their operatives have planned, to ride into the oval office as Obama heir apparent.

Let’s see Hillary brush all this aside with a shrug and a cackle. Things are about to get interesting…very interesting indeed.



TODAY,Wednesday January 13th, from 2 to 4pm EST, RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS Craig Andresen and Diane Sori discuss EMPs, Cyber Attacks and ISIS…the ineligibility LIES concerning Cruz and Rubio…and the FBI’s probe of Hillary.

Hope you can tune it at: www.americanpbn.com
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