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Hillary’s House of Cards


By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on americanpbn.com

What does she have to hide? And for that matter, what does the Department of State have hou 1to hide? Those are both very good questions and as to the former, Hillary Clinton has plenty to hide and she’s done her level best to hide it all. She kept all of her documents and her email on a private server and used only her private email for every last bit of correspondence throughout her entire reign of terror at the Department of State.

She tried to have her server wiped clean.

She had her minions stall…for years…with regard to turning over ANY of her emails.

She had other minions HIDE her private server…in a BATHROOM…for years.

She hand-picked those who would finally go through her emails and they, and ONLY they, would decide what emails would eventually be turned over to investigators and to the Department of State.

She lied…repeatedly…regarding the nature and sensitivity of what was contained on her private, hidden server.

She lied in sworn testimony…over and over again.

The list just goes on and on but…now facing a deadline, January 29th to be exact, the deadline for the Department of State to have turned over every last shred of emails from Hillary Clinton’s server…at least the ones she GAVE the Department of State…said Department has now filed in a federal court to…

hou 2Are you ready for this? DELAY, by 30 days, that deadline and why are they seeking this delay? What was their stated reason for begging for more time?

Because it was going to snow last weekend.

Sure, they also tried to blame Departmental oversight…just so damn many emails to pour through but there it was. Snow. They asked a federal court to delay the deadline, by 30 days, because of a 1 or 2 day snowstorm. Because of the weather.

Apparently, the entire Department of State, now headed by John Kerry, has something to hide as well but back to Hillary’s emails.

We learned last week that not only were there classified emails on Hillary’s private server…classified emails she at one time claimed were never on her server…not only were there top secret documents on her server…top secret documents she claimed never existed on her server…but also ABOVE top secret documents were on her private server.hou 3

Oh, sure…Hillary Clinton has tried to explain all of it away by claiming that none of them were marked as classified, or top secret or above top secret when SHE either received them or sent them and that they MUST have been RECLASSIFIED or REMARKED at some later point so of course, how could SHE have known but there is a bit of a problem with that claim.

It’s a damn lie.

How do we KNOW it’s a lie? Because, according to several former intel community top of the ladder types, only the intel community source that originates a document can mark it as classified, top secret or above top secret and only that specific intel community agency can mark their own documents. Not only that , but no intel community agency has the capability of CHANGING that marking once it is on a given document. There is no available mechanism with which any of our intel agencies can downgrade, remove or upgrade a document which means, if a given document is marked as classified, top secret or above top secret TODAY…that is exactly how it originated the day it originated and there is also, according to the intel folks, absolutely no way not to know any given document has been so marked.

Let’s deal with thou 4his in two separate segments. First, the classified documents. To date, 1340 such documents, marked as classified, have been found in Hillary Clinton’s emails…her private email account on her private server. This information was corroborated by IG Charles McCullough more than a week ago and it is illegal for Hillary Clinton to have had such material stored anywhere but on a government, secured system.

And the above classified documents?

What we’re talking about here are ‘Special Access Programs,’ or SAP documents and to understand the raw nature of this, one needs to understand the control protocol for SAP documents.

SAP documents must be viewed, not in one’s office but in a SCIF. And what is a SCIF? It’s a Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility, a virtual bunker, a hardened room that exists either in a building, on a ship or in a plane. A room protected from any and all electronic equipment and a room 100% restricted to only those with a SCI level clearance. To be completely clear, not even a director of any intel community agency could pull up a hou 5SAP document on his or her computer in his or her office…not even such a document that he or she had classified as SAP himself or herself.

The reason for this is that should any information be leaked from a SAP, the effects could be catastrophic in that the entire stream of intel could well be compromised as too could human agents who are deep undercover working to maintain that stream of intel.

Individuals, upon entering a SCIF, must turn over any electronic devices they carry including cell phones, laptops or any device that could be used in any way to record the SAP intel. And just how sensitive is a SAP document? According to intel officials… “only the president; the secretaries of state, defense, energy and homeland security; the attorney general; and the director of national intelligence – and their principal deputies – can designate intelligence as part of an SAP.”

So…Hillary Clinton had both classified AND SAP documents on her private server and both in violation of U.S. code 18, sec. 793 and both are punishable by fines and up to 10 years hou 6in a federal prison.

All of this leads us to three important questions, one of which I posed near the beginning of this article…what is it that the Department of State is hiding as per their sudden need to take an extra 30 days to turn over the rest of Hillary’s emails…how did Hillary wind up with SAP on her private server given the security protocols in place for dealing with SAP and finally, what sort of SAP was Hillary holding ON her private server?

In order…Monday night, FOX News revealed that it has a video on which Wendy Sherman, a Department of State veteran and Hillary’s Undersecretary of State says “Now we have BlackBerrys, and it has changed the way diplomacy is done.”

“Things appear on your BlackBerrys that would never be on an unclassified system. But you’re out traveling, you’re trying to negotiate something. You want to communicate with people, it’s the fastest way to do it.”

Obviously, Hillary wasn’t the only person at State that was aware of her private email account or her private server and now, with Wendy Sherman’s videotaped statement that Hillary did indeed use her private email, on her private server, to conduct sensitive, classified business, such as Clinton’s and Lady Ashton of the European Union texting and emailing back and forth, during a U.N. meeting, regarding Middle East negotiations and hou 7Jake Sullivan’s forwarding of classified intel TO Hillary, info SHE knew to be classified and a marker OF classification SHE ordered Sullivan to ignore.

Obviously, given recent revelations, the Department of State now needs more time to try and find out just how far this level of corruption went, how many people are involved and how damaged they are because of it. We also can’t rule out that State is now trying to sweep as much of it under a rug as possible by sweepers worried about their own careers.

Now…how did Hillary get SAP on her private systems and what sort of SAP was it?

Obviously, due to protocols in place, Hillary Clinton could not have removed SAP from a SCIF as outlined earlier in this article however, as also outlined above, Hillary Clinton could have GENERATED SAP documents. Remember… “only the PRESIDENT (Barack Hussein Obama); the SECRETARIES OF STATE (Hillary Clinton), defense, energy and homeland security; the attorney general; and the director of national intelligence – and their principal deputies – can designate intelligence as part of an SAP.”

hou 8It is my belief that Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama were generating and emailing SAP between themselves, but regarding what exactly?

According to an intel community insider, “SAP designations can apply to a wide range of intelligence including nuclear and biological weapons data and specialized programs run directly out of the West Wing of the White House.”

Hello Benghazi.

We know there was a gun running op, ala Fast and Furious, being employed to move weapons from Libyan “rebels” and Syrian “rebels” via the CIA and THROUGH the Department of State’s Benghazi Mission and my Right Side Patriots partner and friend, Diane Sori and I drew the ire of the Obama regime when we theorized that Ambassador Stevens, upon becoming the Ambassador to Libya, discovered it and wanted to end it.

We know, via survivors of the Benghazi attack, that a stand down order was, indeed given, despite denials by Obama and his regime. We know that both Hillary and Obama conspired to cover it all up with a cock and bull You Tube video story. We know that both Obama and Hillary lied about Benghazi….Hillary sent Susan Rice out to lie about it on five hou 9Sunday shows and that Hillary lied about it directly to the families of Stevens, Smith, Doherty and Woods.

We know that Hillary drew DOWN our OWN security in Benghazi and replaced them with the February 17 Brigade…al Qaeda before the attacks and we know that al Qaeda was at the forefront OF those attacks.

We believe the cover up was in place well before the attacks and to that end, we know have reason to believe that designating any documents and/or emails as SAP that related to either the gun running operation, the hiring of our enemies in a time of war to act as security for the Benghazi Mission and the cover story involved were marked SAP in order to prevent them from ever becoming a part of a FOIA request and to prevent them from ever being read as part of any investigation.

There are now at least 150 FBI agents involved in the Hillary email investigation and we know that said investigation grew out of Trey Gowdy and the House Special Committee’s investigation of Benghazi. We also know that the FBI is now directly interviewing heads of intel agencies regarding material discovered on Hillary’s private server. We are also well aware that during Hillary Clinton’s appearance, that day long appearance before Gowdy and his committee, that the vast bulk of the hou 10questions were in direct regard to Hillary’s use of private email and her private server.

Now we have learned that some of the emails marked classified, were indeed so above top secret in their designation that not even members of congress had the clearance or access to read them.

I believe that Hillary Clinton, along with Barack Hussein Obama, built a house of cards with regard to Benghazi and the foundation for that house of cards was an SAP designation for any and all emails or documents related to it in any way.

That house of cards is beginning to crumble and Trey Gowdy is the earthquake.

As more and more information comes to the surface, things are looking worse and worse for Hillary Clinton. Others have been indicted for less infringements or violations of U.S. Code 18, sec. 793 and the evidence against Hillary is staggering. I have said it before and I’ll say it again…I do believe that Obama will authorize Loretta Lynch and the FBI to indict Hillary Clinton but, I do not believe Hillary will serve a single day behind bars as Obama will officially pardon her…perhaps even before any trial can take place…so what exactly is Obama’s end game in this?hou 11

Simply…Obama can’t stand Bill Clinton and he doesn’t much like Hillary either. He was virtually forced to make Hillary his Secretary of State as a consolation prize after the 2008 election but there is, I believe, more to it than just that.

Were Hillary to somehow win this November’s election, one thing is pretty clear. Bill Clinton would remain solidified as the defacto leader of the democrat party and Obama’s ego, coupled with his immense distaste for Bill Clinton simply cannot allow that to happen. Obama wants that defacto title for his own and he knows he can’t have it as long as Bill is in the picture which he would be with a Hillary Clinton victory in November but by forcing the Hillary email investigation to the point of critical mass, i.e. an indictment, he can remove Hillary from the election process and Bill from his leadership position within the DNC forever.

Were I a betting man, I would bet that once an indictment is handed down, and after a suitable waiting period which would culminate with Hillary being forced to drop out of the 2016 race…Obama will then do two things.

He will extend Executive privilege over all the incriminating documents and emails that bear his name and Hillary’s, to keep those documents and emails frohou 12m ever making it either the public or to investigative committees, just as he did with any and all documents related to Fast and Furious, and he will then issue his official pardon OF Hillary Clinton.

While we will most likely never know what is contained in Hillary’s SAP documents and emails, her sole use of a private server and private email account coupled with her acts of treason and Obama’s will be her political undoing and she will have no one to blame but herself.



Wednesday, January 27th, from 2 to 4pm EST, RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS Craig Andresen and Diane Sori discuss yet another possible candidate entering into the presidential fray, Donald Trump’s grievous ‘shooting somebody’ comment, and Hillary’s ‘House of Cards.’

Hope you can tune it at: www.americanpbn.com

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