By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on
On Saturday, January 30th, a tweet was posted by Mia Farrow and let’s face it, if anybody knows the law and what was actually contained in Hillary’s emails and on her server, neither of which were government issue, it would be Mia Farrow.
According to the desperately seeking 15 more minutes of idiocy, Mia Farrow…
“Reminder: Hillary’s emails were not marked as classified at the time they were sent. She never emailed anything classified. #letsmoveon” – Mia Farrow(@MiaFarrow) January 30th, 2016
Oh brother.
The hash tag is the quintessential Clinton rallying cry…let’s move on…nothing to see here…a Clinton has broken the law…just ignore it and move on about your own damn business.
Let me explain something to Farrow, Hillary Clinton and the rest of the Clinton Kool Aid addicts…
First of all, according to the intel communities involved, the emails or documents in question were classified. According to the intel community, some of those emails or documents in question were top secret and, according to the intel community, some were SAP or ABOVE top secret. In fact, we now know that 22 of those emails and/or documents, found in the batch Hillary neglected to erase and most likely mistakenly turned over to the Department of State were so above top secret in nature that, because of grave security concerns, some of which could jeopardize the streams of intelligence and the lives of those gathering it, they will never be made public in any way, shape or redacted form.
Second, we have evidence that Hillary herself ordered one of her minions, Jake Sullivan, to UNMARK a certain classified document or email so that it COULD be emailed to her private account therefore, it is no stretch of believability to think Hillary Clinton could have ordered some 1340 classified documents to be stripped of THEIR individual markers.
And third…according to the Classified Information Nondisclosure Agreement, the one Hillary Clinton herself signed on January 22nd, 2009…she was barred, by law, from passing classified information…MARKED OR UNMARKED…via private email or storing it on anything but government secured devices.
What else do we know?
We know that Hillary Clinton never had a .gov email account. It’s not that she never, ever USED a .gov account…it’s that she never, ever HAD a .gov account which means, that from the word go, Hillary Clinton fully intended to do all of her email transactions and her document storage on an account and a server that only SHE controlled regardless of the laws involved and regardless of the Classified Information Nondisclosure Agreement she, herself…signed.
We also know that aside from the 22 above top secret or SAP emails and/or documents she turned over to the Department of State, all of which she kept on her private server and sent or received in her on her private email account, in direct violation of U.S. code 18, section 793…there were an additional 18 emails between herself and Barack Hussein Obama that like the former 22, have been deemed so above top secret and of such a dire nature with regard to national security, that THEY will never be turned over or made public and any way, shape or redacted form either.
And just like the previous 22, and the rest that make up the total of 1340, those 18, being sent, received and stored on any but a government secured system, violate U.S. code 18, section 793 as well.
We know, that at absolutely no time during Hillary Clinton’s law violating reign as Secretary of State, did she ever allow an Inspector General within the State Department…ostensibly to prevent her violations of the law from being discovered as well as to prevent her actions regarding her violations of the law from being scrutinized, (who would want their treasonous actives scrutinized?) but we also know that before SHE got there, the State Department DID have an Inspector General by the name of Howard J. Krongard.
Krongard makes a very important notation with regard to Hillary never, ever having a .gov account.
“That’s a change in the standard. It tells me that this was premeditated. And this eliminates claims by the State Department that they were unaware of her private e-mail server until later.”
Mr. Krongard’s statement also brings to light something else that is of particular interest and someone else who may well have knowingly violated U.S. code 18, section 793.
Barack Hussein Obama.
Remember those 18 emails, the emails exchanged directly between Obama and Hillary Clinton that are deemed too above top secret to be brought forward? Well, if he was sending emails to her and he was receiving emails FROM her…Barack Hussein Obama HAD to know that Hillary Clinton’s email address was… Do YOU see a .gov in there anywhere? I don’t and nobody, including Obama saw a .gov in that address which means, when Obama, around March 7th, 2015, claimed he didn’t know anything about Hillary’s private server or private email address until about a week before (around the 1st of March, 2015) he was flat out lying.
Be aware also that if Obama was sending classified, top secret or above top secret information to Hillary, he TOO could, and SHOULD be indicted.
We know that Hillary Clinton’s oft repeated and ever changing denials regarding her use of her private email account and private server are nothing but lies told to replace previous lies. First, she claimed she never had anything on her server or in her emails that was classified. When that was proven to be a lie, she altered the lie to claim nothing was marked as classified. That too proved to be a lie. She claimed that her use of private email and a private server were within the law. They were not. She claimed that her use of private email and a private server did not put national security at risk. They did. Hillary claimed she did it for convenience so that she wouldn’t have to carry more than one device. That was a lie as she was later forced to admit she indeed did carry multiple devices.
Hillary Clinton stated, in October 2015, “What I did was allowed by the State Department, but it wasn’t the best choice.”
The Department of State’s written policy states that work related email be conducted on an “authorized computer with adequate security measures.” Hers was neither an “authorized” nor “secure” system.
In March of 2015, Hillary Clinton claimed that, “We went through a thorough process to identify all of my work-related emails and delivered them to the State Department. I have absolute confidence that everything that could be in any way connected to work is now in the possession of the State Department,” but by June 2015, more emails had been discovered that contained conversations between her and Sidney Blumenthal, emails Blumenthal turned over to State and Clinton had not.
In September, Hillary Clinton stated, “From my perspective, we have a very thorough review process that we conducted. And my attorneys supervised it, they went through everything. And what we had available at the time was turned over,” but neither she, nor her attorneys nor her campaign issued any statement regarding the Blumenthal emails or why she had not turned any of those emails over herself.
Hillary Clinton claimed that she hadn’t started using her private email account and private server before March 2009 but later revelations showed that she and then U.S. Central Command head, General Petraeus, were having email dialogs, on her private email account in January 2009.
In September 2015, Hillary Clinton claimed, “When we were asked to help the State Department make sure they had everything from other secretaries of state, not just me, I’m the one who said, O.K., great, I will go through them again. And we provided all of them,” but that, just like everything else, was a lie as she did not turn over her emails until forced to do so as a result of the Congressional Committee looking into Benghazi.
So desperate has Hillary become over the growing email scandal that she attempted to return to an old, worn out lie. Remember, 18 years ago, on the Today Show, when Hillary made THIS claim?
Well…now, 18 years later, Hillary is attempting to make the claim that the Inspector General, now collecting evidence related to her use of a private email account and private server, is engaged in a “coordinated leak” with Republicans for the purposes of “hurting her campaign.”
That too is a lie as the Inspector General heading up this investigation, was appointed by Obama and confirmed by a democrat-led Senate before 2014 but it wasn’t the first time, with regard to the current investigation, that Hillary threw this ploy at the wall to see if it would stick. Back in July, 2015, in a CNN interview when asked by Brianna Keilar why the American people view her as less than “honest and trustworthy,” Clinton replied that there has been a, “constant barrage of attacks that are largely fomented by and coming from the right.”
But let’s go back, just for a moment, and examine this statement:, “From my perspective, we have a very thorough review process that we conducted. And my attorneys supervised it, they went through everything. And what we had available at the time was turned over.”
In that statement, we find yet more violations of the laws and possible espionage. Hillary Clinton had her ATTORNEYS…go through EVERYTHING…and decide what would or would not be turned over to the Department of State. As we now know that EVERYTHING would have INCLUDED classified, top secret and ABOVE top secret emails and documents…and because we know none of those attorneys had the clearance to SEE classified, top secret or ABOVE top secret emails and documents…some of which are so far above top secret that not even Members of Congress are allowed to see them…well, guess what?
At the least, her attorneys should wind up being called as prosecution witnesses and at the most, they could end up being co-defendants under indictment for conspiracy to commit espionage against the United States of America.
Okay, given all of this, last week, Obama spokespuppet, Josh Earnest, in regard to a possible indictment of Hillary Clinton said, “That will be a decision made by the Department of Justice and prosecutors over there. What I know that some officials over there have said is that she is not a target of the investigation. So that does not seem to be the direction that it’s trending. But I’m certainly not going to weigh in on a decision or in that process in any way. That is a decision to be made solely by independent prosecutors but again, based on what we know from the Department of Justice, it does not seem to be headed in that direction.”
That is a lie and how can we be so sure that’s a lie? Because right now, there are some 150 FBI agents solely working on investigating some 32,000 emails that Hillary Clinton sent or received and turned over to the Department of State…solely working on investigation the 1,340 of those emails that contain classified, top secret or above top secret documents and information…solely investigating the 22 emails that specifically contain above top secret information along with the 18 between Hillary and Obama that contain above top secret intel and forensically pouring through her wiped server to recover the more than 30,000 emails Hillary had her minions and attorneys erase before she turned the server itself over TO the FBI.
ALL of those email were either sent BY Hillary Clinton or RECEIVED BY Hillary Clinton and ALL of them on HER private server and through HER private email account. HILLARY CLINTON has violated U.S. code 18, section 793 on at least 1,340 + 22 + 18 times. HILLARY CLINTON has also violated the federal records Act and the Espionage Act and may well have committed TREASON against the United States.
If Hillary Clinton is not the target of this investigation…pray-tell…who in the hell IS?
How else do we know that Earnest is lying, on behalf of the Obama regime?
According to Catherine Herridge of Fox News… “That statement by Josh Earnest has got the back up of our contacts at the FBI and Justice Department for two reasons… They are SUPER PISSED OFF to use a technical term. Number one, Josh Earnest has absolutely no clearance or visibility in the FBI investigation. Number two, they say it really seems part of a troubling pattern from the White House because the president earlier said he did not see any national security implications to the Clinton emails and then we found out he had never been briefed.”
So Earnest has absolutely NO clearance OR visibility into the FBI investigation and OBAMA has never been BRIEFED regarding the contents of Hillary’s emails yet BOTH are trying to tell all of US that HILLARY CLINTON is NOT the TARGET of the investigation.
So why would the White House weigh in on this? Why would Obama send Earnest out there to try and claim the investigation isn’t about Hillary and why would Obama, having never been briefed on her emails attempt to put out there the false notion that there was nothing regarding classified intel in her emails?
I can give you 18 reasons…19 if you include the fact that if those 18 his and hers emails contained top secret information…Obama himself could well become a co-defendant.
Hillary’s ship is sinking and it seems the rats have nowhere to go.
Now, we have learned that the above top secret emails and documents, from Hillary’s private email account, contained on her private server, contained “operational intelligence” which jeopardized “sources, methods and lives,” according to a government official with knowledge of the investigation and that those emails, part of the 22, were sent during a time span that comprised Hillary’s entire reign of espionage from 2009 until 2013.
And according to Congressman Mike Pompeo, “There is no way that someone, a senior government official who has been handling classified information for a good chunk of their adult life, could not have known that this information ought to be classified, whether it was marked or not. Anyone with the capacity to read and an understanding of American national security, an 8th grade reading level or above, would understand that the release of this information or the potential breach of a non-secure system presented risk to American national security.”
And Hillary’s response, just two days ago?
“There is no classified marked information on those emails sent or received by me. Republicans are going to continue to use it [to] beat up on me.”
Hey, Hillary…forget the #letsmoveon and switch to #abouttobeindicted and when we throw in the parallel investigation regarding your Clinton Foundation money for favors investigation, feel free to add in violations of:
18USC§201 Bribery
18USC§208 Acts Effecting A Personal Financial Interest (Includes Recommendations)
18USC§371 Conspiracy
18USC§1001 False Statements
18USC§1341 Frauds And Swindles (Mail Fraud)
18USC§1343 Fraud By Wire
18USC§1349 Attempt And Conspiracy (To Commit Fraud)
18USC§1505 Obstruction Of Justice
18USC§1519 Destruction (Alteration Or Falsification) Of Records In Federal Investigation
18USC§1621 Perjury (Including Documents Signed Under Penalties Of Perjury)
A treasonous snake, by any other name, is Hillary Clinton.