By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio
While the collective mainstream media continues to have a mass orgasm over comments made by Donald Trump more than a decade ago, and while several key Republicans, including Paul Ryan whose wife is a millionaire lobbyist for the liberal/socialist party who has raised a substantial amount of money for the Hillary Clinton campaign continue to run away from their nominee like cowards…
I think a little perspective is in order.
Americans, and for that matter, America herself have but two choices in November as no 3rd party or write-in candidate has ever had a chance of winning…Trump or Clinton and while Trump is obviously a cad, a lewd and foul-mouthed cad…he’s still a better choice than Hillary.
As Conservatives, we can’t be so consumed with looking for the next Jesus Christ to be our candidate of choice or our nominee that we risk ignoring impending doom for our Constitutional Republic in the process.
News flash…
The Son of God isn’t on the ballot, all candidates are flawed as all of them always have been and always will be human, and in this day and age of 24/7-365 media coverage partnered with hundreds of millions of recording devices masquerading as cell phones in the hands of the overwhelming vast majority of Americans who are spreading every bit of whatever they capture on dozens of social media outlets…good damn luck finding anyone without a few bones in their closet.
Okay, that said, it’s time we drop our astonishment regarding Donald Trump’s locker room banter and start focusing on Hillary’s recipe for the dismantling of our republic.
The policies being promoted by one Hillary Clinton are most certainly the proper prescription for disaster and let me start with one, very troubling idea she is out there on the campaign trail touting…bringing more and more and more Muslim “refugees” to America.
First of all…according to our own intel agencies, there is absolutely no way to properly vet these so-called “refugees” as their countries of origin don’t have any information on who they are.
Hillary wants to import more than 200,000 of these unvetted, who-knows-who they are or where they came from Muslims to live in our cities and towns. And why does she want to do this, other than in the name of “diversity,” which is a crock of crap?
Because, according to her and her ilk, these people are in danger where they are currently.
Oh really? Well…here comes the proper perspective…
Hillary Clinton, who, for the very life of her, couldn’t find a way to rescue four Americans from the hands of Muslims in Benghazi, even after hiring Muslims to provide those Americans with security…now claims she will rescue 200,000 Muslims and fly them to safety here in America.
Are we really going to allow the woman who wouldn’t even attempt to save the lives of four Americans in Benghazi to import hundreds of thousands of unvetted and potential Islamic terrorists into our cities and towns because of Trump’s lewd comments more than a decade ago?
Then there are Hillary’s speeches delivered to the very Wall Street entities she so vigorously claims to oppose where she advocates…”My dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders.”
Open borders have been an absolute disaster in Europe. Just ask the people of Paris, Nice and Normandy, how open borders are working for them. Ask the people in Germany’s Wuerzburg and Ansbach, who over the past few months have been on the receiving end of ISIS inspired attacks how open borders are working for them.
And while you’re at it…ask the people of Britain, who have now voted to leave the European Union, in great part due to an open border policy how open borders have worked for them.
And why has that policy been such a disaster for Europe? Because there is no way to vet who is coming in or from where they are coming.
In our country…not only would we face the same disaster from unvetted immigration, we would also be facing an economic disaster by flooding our country with a whole new welfare class who would be sending money they make here, to whatever their point of origin might be. Our job market would crash, our taxes would skyrocket and the safety of Americans would be at stake.
Are we really ready to run like cowards from Donald Trump and his lewd comments to allow Hillary’s socialist approach to wreak such havoc on our Republic?
Let’s put Hillary’s email scandal into the proper perspective.
David Petraeus mishandled secure documents. Ed Snowden took secure documents.
Hillary mishandled secure documents. Hillary took secure documents. Hillary destroyed evidence after it was subpoenaed by congress. Hillary lied to congress about her document activities. Hillary obstructed an official FBI investigation into her document activities. Hillary violated both the Federal Records Act and the Espionage Act of 1917 regarding her document activities, and what penalties do these three people face for their actions?
Petraeus was forced to resign and pay a $100,000 fine and has been disgraced for his actions.
Snowden is living in exile and has been charged in this country with treason for his actions.
And Hillary? She’s the democratic nominee who is on the verge of becoming the next president because our party has their panties in a wad over some taped comments Donald Trump made 11 years ago.
Are we really going to allow someone who conducts themselves above the laws that the rest of us must abide by because of Trump’s lewd comments?
How about the all-important Supreme Court and the impending nominees to that body that the next president will be called on to make…no less important than making appointments to all federal benches I might add.
We heard Trump, during last Sunday’s debate, speak to what sort of justices he would nominate and his very first criteria would be that his Supreme Couth nominations would uphold our Constitution. However, when that question reached Hillary Clinton…she never once mentioned our Constitution with the only exception being an afterthought regarding the 2nd Amendment on which she quickly voiced her desire for Supreme Court instituted restrictions.
Another word for “restrictions” would be…”infringements,” of which, as related to our 2nd Amendment, our right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
In fact, Hillary Clinton is on record with this direct quote regarding the Supreme Court and its 2008 decision in District of Columbia v Heller, in which the highest court in the land upheld and reaffirmed that the Founding Fathers wrote the Second Amendment to protect a fundamental, individual right to keep and bear arms for self-defense.
“We’ve got to get after this. And here again, the Supreme Court is wrong on the Second Amendment. And I am going to make that case every chance I get.”
In fact, just one year ago, Hillary Clinton advocated in favor of Australia’s gun buy back program for OUR country. Breaking News Hillary…it was a gun confiscation program because in order for it to have been a buy back program…those guns would have had to have belonged to the government to begin with. But of course, she already knows that.
Are we really so obsessed and offended by Donald Trump’s caddishness that we’re willing to split our votes six ways from Sunday and allow Hillary Clinton, who would appoint activist, liberal judges who would then go about stripping the American people of their most basic and important rights, afforded us by the Founders and Framers?
And finally, although I could go on for days in this regard, allow me to put Trump’s infamous comments into their proper perspective.
Hillary Clinton, and liberals in general are all about “diversity.” They are so politically correct that they will bend us all over backwards to accommodate even the most obtuse behaviors they can find.
Liberals, the collective mainstream media and naturally, Hillary Clinton are all in favor of bending us all over backwards to accommodate transgendered individuals. They feign outrage over Trump’s garish comments about women and yet, they are perfectly willing, and stand ready to mandate that men who dress up in women’s clothes be allowed access to women’s bathrooms, changing rooms and locker rooms.
Hillary Clinton, who has publically derided Trump for his decade old comments about a woman, wants to allow men, based on the fact that they dress up in women’s clothes, to use the same bathroom as our wives, daughters and granddaughters. Hillary wants women, who dress as men, to use the same bathrooms, dressing rooms and locker rooms as our husbands, sons and grandsons.
Already, in places which have bent to this liberal way of thinking, reports of lewd and perverted behavior are being reported…and ignored…by those like Hillary who are advocating for it.
Are we really ready to allow Hillary Clinton, who has stood by her rapist and woman abusing husband time and time again, who wants to mandate lewd and perverse activity thus risking the safety of our children, to become the next president of the United States because we find boorish comments, made by Donald Trump offensive?
Given the fact that either Hillary or Trump will win in November, because no 3rd party or write-in candidate will garner enough of the vote to win, but…as only our side will be splitting the vote, it would be enough to propel Hillary to the White House…
The choice is clear…a cad or an anti-American, treasonous, lying socialist snake whose goal is the destruction of our Constitutional Republic.
As long as we still have a Constitutional Republic…we can survive a lewd cad for the next four years but our country is now standing at the edge of the socialist abyss and Hillary stands ready to give it a shove.
Choose wisely, as it may well be the last chance you will have to choose at all.
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