By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio
For 8 long and divisive years, Barack Hussein Obama has epitomized everything that is, or ever has been wrong with our country, and as he prepares to finally get the hell out of our White House, leaving as much scorched earth in his wake as possible, he is hoping in desperation that Hillary Clinton picks up where he left off.
Obama wanted, so badly wanted to be the one who destroyed the Republic and replaced it with a Marxist society. He wanted to “fundamentally transform America” into something the Founders and Framers wouldn’t recognize, wouldn’t have ever wanted and never would have stood for…a socialist, crumbling blight on the world stage.
He started it, but he couldn’t finish it.
Hillary Clinton would be the third term of an Obamaesque regime and as hard as it is to believe, she is more dangerous than he.
Obama has been a puppet…
Unable to dance without someone pulling his strings, Obama’s puppet masters have included Soros, his Islamic brethren and his keeper has been Valerie Jarret. Obama rose from the ranks of a Community Organizer, a thug paid to incite unrest and divisiveness, to the highest office in the world, not based upon his own ability to act of his own accord, but based on his ability to read what was placed before him on a teleprompter.
Hillary Clinton, on the other hand, while more than willing to cuddle up to Obama’s Islamic pals and take their money for her own personal gain, with Huma Abedin as her Islamic handler, is as adept at running her own vile show as any third world dictator has ever been, and she has the political machine created by her husband and fueled by foreign influxes of money to simply do away with those who stand in her way.
Behind Obama, is a trail of lies, deceit and discarded dog-eared pieces of socialist propaganda like Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals.
Behind Hillary Clinton is a trail of bodies including, but certainly not limited to, those of Ambassador Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods. While Obama has lied to cover up his misdeeds…Hillary has killed to protect hers from prying eyes and while Obama will continue his lies to protect his legacy of anti-American and treasonous activities, Hillary will continue to kill to protect both her past acts of decidedly un-American vileness as well as her future ability to wreak more havoc and destruction against our nation.
Every election cycle, we are all regaled with a festering heap of celebrities who promise us that unless their socialist candidate of choice is declared the winner, they, the celebrities will leave the country, as though they believe that, without them, life isn’t worth living. Of all the self-absorbed tripe…
If living in the greatest country on earth means that little to you…get the hell out…nobody’s going to try and stop you from packing your Gucci bags, marching to the airport and getting on the first plane out of the country, and in fact, I’m willing to bet we can take up a collection in a hurry to insure that yours is a one way ticket straight to armpit or butt crack nation of your choice.
Good riddance.
The problem with far, far too many people is that they don’t realize what they’ve got until its gone and for some misguided reason, they believe that the rights and freedoms endowed us by the Creator, only apply to Conservatives and not to them. Such is both the folly and the mental illness of liberalism.
When our right to the freedom of expression is gone, so too will their right to freedom of expression vanish.
When our right to be protected against unlawful search and seizure evaporates, they will be subject to the same malfeasance.
When our right to pray as we see fit ends, they won’t have a prayer either.
When our right to keep and bear arms is shredded, not only will we not be able to defend ourselves…we will also be unable to defend them.
Far, far too many believe, for some unknown reason, that our freedoms are free. They aren’t. We are free because men and women fight for our freedoms and have since this great nation was founded. Without a strong and imposing military, our nation is ripe for the picking and there are certainly enough barbarians out there who would reap the harvest.
Far, far too many believe that all the world;’s ills can be solved via political correctness, by not keeping score and by bowing to those who exhibit the worst humanity has to offer, if only we could win their hearts and minds.
Diplomacy doesn’t stand a snowballs chance in hell if there isn’t leverage to back it up and while diplomacy is a necessary tool in the quest for order, it is the strength of our military that makes diplomacy possible. In today’s world, thanks to Obama and because of a situation that will only become more devastating under a Hillary regime, our allies no longer respect us while our enemies no longer fear us.
We’re not winning anyone’s heart and mind…we losing the fight for freedom and world stability because far, far too many are afraid we’ll offend those who beat women to death, throw gay people off of buildings, burn people alive and behead those who don’t agree with their political ideology of the 7th century.
But it is not just on the world stage where the abject failures of liberalism are on display…we are also suffering at home.
Where are education system used to be geared toward academic success, liberals have, for decades, geared it toward the lowest common denominator. They deem it inappropriate to name a class valedictorian or to have an honor role at schools lest those who didn’t excel feel slighted.
Success, in the obtuse mindset of liberalism, should be penalized whether on the Little League ball field or in the board room, and whether or not they will admit it, the only way to make the playing field even is to elevate the poorest performance to the highest level.
Liberals gather and protest income inequality, but the only way to make all incomes even is to make everyone equally poor. The hypocrisy however, in this line of thinking, is glaring as it is, without fail, liberals at the highest income level who are the greatest champions of bringing down what they have demonized as the one percent.
Conservatives, on the other hand, champion competition and would like nothing better than to see everyone raise their standard of living and climb the ladder of economic success. Competition, after all, spurs innovation which leads directly to success and more competition and thus, more innovation.
No nation can do great things if its people are required to maintain a bottom of the barrel approach to anything. Only when the people attain greatness can their nation reach even higher. America was founded on that very principle and for better than 200 years, as our people, via their Creator endowed freedoms, did great things and became prosperous, so too did the nation.
Liberalism didn’t discover the properties of electrical current and liberalism didn’t invent the light bulb. Liberalism didn’t put wings on a motor in a bicycle shop and propel it into the air and liberalism wasn’t responsible for propelling mankind to the moon. Liberalism didn’t invent the assembly line and liberalism didn’t create the home computer.
Have known liberals done any of these great things? Yes, clearly they have…but liberalism, the ideology of everybody being equal at the bottom of the ladder, didn’t…which highlights the hypocrisy of the liberals directly involved. What was the best for them, personally, was exactly what they didn’t want for others.
The time is now, and tomorrow is the day that we, as Americans, decide in which direction our country will head and there are but two choices…down the path of socialism and abject corruption in the Hands of Hillary Clinton, or will it start to slowly turn away from that path, the path of fundamental transformation Obama started and that Hillary will finish, and toward a more prosperous, more trusted future under Donald Trump?
Perhaps the more important question to ask is…has this experience, the entire circus which has surrounded this election cycle, been enough to wake people up and get them involved in the day to day, rather than only with the election cycle to election cycle process of having a government of, by and for the people?
No one president, no single election can or will solve what ails this country any more than will our country’s ailments be solved if we the people only involve ourselves in an election cycle without staying involved, as the Founders and Framers both envisioned and entrusted us to be…day in and day out.
There are those who feel a vote for Trump is yet another, in a long line of votes, for the lesser of the two evils…and to them, I say…it is also a vote for the greater good…a vote for the best chance to begin the process of turning our country around.
From liberals and socialists, we hear worn out tripe…”voting for Trump would turn our country back 50 years” and to that, I say…what’s your point?
50 years ago, our nation had its problems, that’s true enough, but 50 years ago, children were taught to do their best, that patriotism was a good thing and that respect for others was the best course of action. 50 years ago, students on our college campuses cried out for freedom of speech, but today, they seek out safe places from the thoughts and opinions that don’t match their own where they can just curl up and cry.
50 years ago, we took pride in “American Made” while today, we complain because everything is made in China. 50 years ago, taking government handouts was something people only did as a last resort and they did it with a sense of disgrace. Today…far too many expect the government to provide for their every want and need and they are proud of it.
50 years ago, we treated thugs as criminals, let our kids play outside, were on the cusp of beating the Russians to the moon and were just a few years from seeing a president resign in disgrace over a momentary lack of ethics.
Today…we elevate thugs to the status of heroes, our kids aren’t safe in their own front yards, we have to rely on the Russians to send our own astronauts to the space station, and we’re on the verge of allowing a woman, with a decade’s old string of criminal behavior up to and including treason, become the next president of the United States because nobody will hold her accountable to the laws that govern the rest of us.
If the lesser of the two evils will inch us back to where we were 50 years ago as a society, even with some of the problems we faced back then…isn’t that the right candidate to vote for? Isn’t that the best of the two choices before us today?
Seeing the big picture, and understanding knowing the issues with Donald Trump, but also fully knowing the unmitigated disaster that would be Hillary Clinton…I, with clothespin securely affixed to my nose, cast my vote for Donald Trump because even with his issues, I know that he IS the best possible choice given that either he, or Hillary, will become the next president.
The choice is clear…either we go screaming over the cliff and into the abyss with Hillary at the controls or we turn away from the clear and present danger and start inching our way back toward becoming a nation that embodies the trust and the vision of our Founders and Framers with Donald Trump at the wheel.
The chance to get it right doesn’t end with Trump…it begins with him but the power to take our country back, the power to KEEP America great, rests only with we the people.
Tomorrow is the beginning of our future…don’t throw it all away. Vote for Trump…stop Hillary in her socialist, treasonous tracks, and stay involved…let’s make tomorrow the first day in the process of taking our country back.
Back to the future of being even greater than we’ve ever been before.