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Hillary’s Paul Revere Moment


By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio




That, according to the current wife of Monica Lewinski’s former boyfriend who, in a tweet on February 28th had her very own Paul Revere moment when she took to social media to proclaim…

“I say this as a former Secretary of State and as an American: the Russians are still coming. Our intelligence professionals are imploring Trump to act. Will he continue to ignore & surrender, or protect our country?”

In Revere’s case, it was one if by land, two if by sea…in Hillary’s case, one can suppose instead of lanterns in an old church steeples…its interns under Bill’s desk.

First of all…oh, really?

Second of all…oh, good grief….

And third off…

Why on this earth should anyone give a crap-cake what this two-time presidential campaign loser, architect of the murder of four Americans in Benghazi, treasonous, server in a bathroom hiding, perpetrator of espionage, email deleting liar has to say about anything, and “at this point, what difference does it make?”

Excuse me, Hillary…you old concussed moonbat…for what, exactly, are the Russians coming?

Are they coming for another “reset button?”

Are they coming for more flexibility from your former boss, who was actually caught on tape colluding with the Russians in that brief exchange with Medvedev?

Perhaps the Russians are coming for more than 20 percent of our uranium, or…are the Russians maybe, just maybe, coming for a $145 million dollar refund of the money they put into the Clinton Foundation coffers, and to get their $500,000 back that they paid your cigar-moistening husband?

Come on Hillary…tell us…what are the Russians coming to get?

Do they want to buy more Facebook ads? I mean, that’s the only thing your special prosecutor and personal under the carpet sweeper, Robert Mueller, has been able to produce as “election tampering” by the dreaded Russians you’re sounding the warning over.

For what, exactly are the Russians coming Hillary…or did this claim come from the bottom of yet another empty bottle of vodka?

And what’s all of this about, “Our intelligence professionals are imploring Trump to act?” What’s that all about…and by the way…how in the hell would you know what our intelligence professions are imploring Trump, or anyone else for that matter, to either do, or not do?

In the first place, when you were running the fiefdom over at the Department of State, orchestrating a pay to play scheme with some of our nation’s most transparent enemies…neither you, nor your boss had “professionals” heading up our intelligence agencies…you had a collection of armatures, and corrupt serfs…

And in the second place…you don’t have a security clearance any more…or at least you shouldn’t unless one or more of Obama’s shadow government puppets has sprung a leak…so how would you know what’s being implored, what’s not being implored, by whom and of whom?

Oh, wait just a minute here…it’s not anyone in our intel community that’s supplying you with your lack of intelligence…it’s those Russians you, and your campaign, along with Comey, McCabe, Strzok and Page were paying, along with that former British spy for the fake dossier…that must be from where you’re getting this drivel.

Now then…supposedly, according to you Hillary, our intelligence professions are imploring President Trump to…act…act on what…and what action should our President…and yours…take?

I mean, you knew exactly who it was that hacked your DNC’s emails. It was the Russians. What action did either you, or Mr. “after my election I’ll have more flexibility” take then?

Obama knew, and so too did you know, that 13 Russians who entered our country via the visas provided by both you, and Obama, were buying Facebook ads leading up to the 2016 election…what action did Obama take back then?

The truth is…while both you and Obama knew full well of the hacking and Facebook ads, neither of you did a damn thing…and why…because you both thought you had the election in the bag, and you would be able to continue your corruption with the Russians for at least another four years.

Perhaps President Trump…that’s our President, and yours…should take action against the Russians by asking them to release to him…all of your emails. Maybe President Trump…our President and yours…should demand that Russia produce not only those emails from the DNC…but ALL of those 32,000 emails you think you deleted…because I’m pretty sure the Russians have all of them tucked safely away, just waiting for the right moment to hand them over.

Perhaps the action our President and yours should take, should include full immunity…like the sort of immunity your entire corrupt and treasonous staff got from the FBI…of ol’ Ed Snowden…in return for every last thing he has on both you, and that mom jeans wearing, ISIS loving weasel who was your boss.

Wouldn’t that be an interesting twist on your call for Presidential action?

And finally, in your Paul Revresque tweet, you posed a question…

“Will he (President Trump) continue to ignore & surrender, or protect our country?”

Oh, Hillary…seriously…you’ve been wandering around the woods for far too long, bemoaning your lack-luster book sales, blaming everyone, and everything but yourself for your 2016 election loss, and watching your husband and your pal Harvey Weinstein compare both notes, and Polaroids.

What…and be specific…did you ever do to protect our country? What did Obama ever do to protect our country?

With a wink and a nod, you shook hands with North Korea when they promised not to engage in any more tests of nuclear weapons, and that was years after your husband made sure that North Korea would have the means by which to build nuclear weapons. Did that protect our country?

You fired our security teams in Benghazi, and replaced them with a team made up from our enemy, the February 17 Brigade…did that protect our country? In fact…did that even manage to protect our Ambassador and three other Americans that you considered collateral damage?

You made sure that a YouTube filmmaker was arrested for what he had no part of in Benghazi…how did that protect our country?

You completely ignored the rules…set up your own private server, and used your own private email account to conduct all of your official Department of State business…and allowed your emails, replete with classified intel and information to be spread faster than an STD in a whore house…how, exactly, did that protect our country?

Obama, over eight years, told all of our enemies exactly what we were going to do, and exactly when we intended to do it. How did that protect our country?

Obama allowed criminal illegal aliens to flood into our country while trying his damnedest to erase our borders. How did that protect our country?

Obama made heroes out of thugs, arsonists and looters. How did that protect our country?

Obama saw to it that Iran, like North Korea, would have a clear pathway to building their very own nuclear arsenal. How did that protect our country?

Obama and your pal, Eric Holder, walked weapons to the Mexican drug cartels…did that make our country safer?

And you, and Obama together, engineered a deal that saw 20 percent of our country’s uranium get sold to the very Russians you now deem it your place to warn the rest of us about.

How did THAT protect our country?

Hillary…you waddling old bag…the list of things both you and Obama did that made our country much, MUCH less safe is longer than I have either the time, or inclination to get into here, but suffice it to say that neither you, nor Obama had even a fleeting interest in the security of our country, or the safety of the streets in our cities…but I do have a bit of advice for you…

Unless you intend on running for the senate again, just crawl back into your bottle, and back under your rock, and leave the security of our country to one who truly loves this country…President Donald Trump….however…should you decide to carpet bag the state of inebriation in which you currently reside…Image result for hillary drunk IMAGES

I’m sure Smirnoff would be happy to donate to your campaign.

Dasvidanya Comrade Hillary…and know that the only difference between you, and a bucket of crap…

Is the bucket.

Copyright © 2018 Craig Andresen / thenationalpatriot.com all rights reserved


Today, Tuesday, March 13th from 7 to 9pm EST on American Political Radio, RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS Craig Andresen and Diane Sori discuss Guns, Due Process and the Mentally Ill;  why Hillary just won’t go away; and important news of the day.

Hope you can tune in at:http://listen.samcloud.com/w/73891/American-Political-Radio#history

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