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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio
When was the last time you heard the mainstream, alphabet media praise President Trump regarding our nation’s economy?
I’ll get back to that shortly, but before I do let me tell you about why it is so very important that our economy recover from the stagnation under Obama during his 8 years at the helm.
It doesn’t matter in what area one looks…military, national security, energy, workforce participation…you name the area, and strength in that area can’t be had unless the nation’s economy is strong.
This is exactly why Obama never did one thing to improve the national economy…
Improving our economy would have strengthened our nation in every way imaginable…and a strong nation is a great nation. Obama didn’t seek greatness for our nation, as greatness would have set us apart from, and above other nations.
Obama wanted our nation as weak as other nations…certainly no better than other nations, and as evidence of that, Obama spent years hopscotching the world apologizing for America’s greatness…apologizing for our nation’s strength. Essentially, he was apologizing for America’s ability to overcome economic pitfalls and maintain economic growth for as long as we had.
To be sure, Obama is what got Trump elected because people saw in Hillary nothing more than the continuation of Obama’s policies. Hillary would have been Obama’s puppet, thus allowing him a third term by proxy.
Voters in 2016 had also had quite enough of politics as usual, and opted for strength rather than appeasement through same ol’, same ol’ political tactics. We opted for someone who could get the job done sans political correctness, and in spite of the “this is how it’s always been done” attitude that has become far too pervasive in Washington.
Politicians always promise to do things different, to make things better, and they rarely, if ever, follow through on their promises.
Candidate Donald Trump made such promises, and as President, he is following through. Trump is so hated by liberals, and by some members of the Republican Party as well because he’s following through on his promises and thus, making the politicians look bad in the process.
Simply put…you can’t have peace through strength, if your country isn’t strong…and strength at every turn begins with the economy.
Okay, back to the mainstream media and why they steadfastly refuse to acknowledge President Trump’s economic successes…
With unemployment at historic lows, and workforce participation hitting high marks, our national economy has risen from the cesspool of stagnation during the Obama regime, and yet no mainstream media sources are talking about it. Instead, they find the most mundane things that President Trump does, and try to make that the negative focus of their 24/7 news cycle.
Lately, the mainstream media has focused themselves on everything from President Trump’s weight, to his walking in front of the Queen…from President Trump drinking Diet Cokes to his disdain for a media that abjectly hates him.
Most recently, the mainstream media has had their socialist collective panties all wadded up over President Trump meeting with Vladimir Putin. It’s treason they report. It’s beyond the pale they say. He should be impeached says one talking mainstream media head after another.
How dare President Trump sit down and talk to Russia’s President Putin. How dare he.
How dare he?
How dare Obama tell Medvedev that after the election he’d have more flexibility? Where was the mainstream media then?
Today, the mainstream media is raking President Trump over the proverbial coals for seeming to actually get along with Putin…but where was this same outrage back in 2009 when, after a meeting with the very same Vladimir Putin, Obama said of Russia’s top man, “I’m aware of not only the extraordinary work that you’ve done on behalf of the Russian people … as president, but in your current role as prime minister. We think there’s an excellent opportunity to put U.S.-Russian relations on a much stronger footing.”
Where was the vast array of hatred and disdain shown by today’s mainstream media when Billy Clinton met with Putin, not just in 1999, but again in 2000? Where were the mainstream media cries of treason and impeachment when President George W. Bush met with Putin in June 2001, and again in November 2001…and for a third time in July 2007?
And what about the abject hatred aimed at President Trump today by the mainstream media and liberals at large for that matter when Obama met with Putin again in June 2013…and again in June 2014…and yet again in September 2015…and again in September 2016? Was the mainstream media crying for the impeachment of Obama after any of his meetings with Putin? Were elected liberals screaming for Obama’s removal on grounds of treason when their chosen leader met over, and over and over and over again with Russia’s Vladimir Putin?
Oh, hell no.
That, by the way, isn’t Borscht you smell…that is a steaming vat of liberal hypocrisy malodorously wafting in the breeze.
So the question of the day becomes, why are both the mainstream media and liberals at large so hell-bent on trumping up anti-Trump sentiment over Trump’s meeting with Putin when they had nothing whatsoever bad to say when every President since Billy Clinton has met with the very same guy?
Because liberals, both inside and outside the media are scared silly. They’re terrified that meetings between President Trump and Putin will have a more positive outcome in the long run than meetings between Bill Clinton and Putin, between Obama and Putin, or to be sure, any meeting Hillary may have had with Putin had she been elected.
The reason liberals in and out of the media are so thoroughly terrified of such a prospect, is because President Trump is holding his meetings with Putin, the one in Helsinki, and the possible upcoming meeting this fall in Washington, from a much better position economically than did Obama, or would have Hillary…and economic strength is the precursor for any positive outcome related to such meetings.
Now, as for liberals claiming that President Trump conceded to Putin…at least President Trump didn’t come away from Helsinki with 20 percent less American uranium that the amount with which he went into that meeting…President Trump didn’t carry with him some obtuse “reset” button, and President Trump wasn’t trolling about for a $450,000.00 speaker’s fee.
Liberals inside and outside the media are continuing to blather about collusion between Trump and Russia, even as their own bought and paid for special investigator has been able to find zero of such, but that hasn’t stopped the mainstream media, or other liberals in citing that as a reason Trump should be run out on a rail for simply meeting with Putin.
They say because of the collusion (that never happened) Trump is too friendly with Putin.
Oh, really?
Well, let’s just see about that, shall we?
Just recently, President Trump, who is on a much better footing with Saudi Arabia, asked OPEC to increase their oil output…and OPEC has done so, thus dropping the price of a barrel, which in turn drops the price of a gallon at the pumps. This accomplishes two very distinct things…First, by dropping the price of a gallon of gas, President Trump has made our economy stronger, and second, he has, in fact, pissed off Putin, because Russia is an exporter of oil…and a lower cost per barrel, due to higher OPEC output means OPEC oil is now more sought after than Russian oil.
Here’s a little something else for liberals in and out of the media to chew on regarding Trump being too friendly with Putin…
Back in 2014, when Putin’s Russia was threatening Ukraine, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko traveled to Washington to meet with Obama and ask for “special ally status and lethal aid” to fight the Russians.
What the Ukrainian President got from Obama was…night vision goggles…and blankets. Night vision goggles and blankets? Yep…night vision goggles and blankets which, no doubt, made Vladimir Putin very happy indeed.
On the other hand…
In March of this year, President Trump announced that the U.S. would be selling 210 anti-tank missiles to Ukraine for $47 million dollars…something which, no doubt, has pissed Putin off.
Naturally, as liberals have wanted to step up our military supply to Ukraine for years…the fact that Trump did it after Obama refused to, has angered liberals passed the point of wadded panties, and they are now accusing President Trump of bribing Ukraine to stop assisting Mueller in the Trump/Russia collusion nonsense.
Bribing? Really…when we’re getting paid $47 million dollars for those anti-take missiles? That’s a bribe?
Was Ukraine investigating monies payed to former Trump campaign head Paul Manafort? Yep. Did Ukraine stop those investigations earlier this year? Yep. And why did Ukraine stop those investigations? Because, according to Serhiy Horbatyuk, the prosecutor, “We have no authority to continue our investigation.” Besides, truth be known, and believe me when I tell you that it is known by liberals inside and outside the media, Paul Manafort was on that payroll before he was attached to the Trump campaign…but not after…making such a leap from that to supposed collusion between Trump and the Russians seem rather transparently silly.
Now then, I ask you, can anyone with a lick of common sense accuse President Trump, who leaned on the Saudis to convince OPEC to increase production, and who sold Ukraine $47 million dollars-worth of arms with which they can better protect themselves from Russian incursion be accurately accused of being too friendly with Russia?
Of course not…but I will tell you what it shows…a President who is leading from the front, showing a position that can only be the result of increased economic power at home.
It’s the sort of winning you just can’t get from same ol’ same ol’ politics.
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Copyright © 2018 Craig Andresen / all rights reserved
For more political commentary please visit my RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS partner Diane Sori’s blog The Patriot Factor to read her latest article Beyond ‘Red Lines’…Pressure, Retaliation, and Military Threats
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Today, Friday, July 27th from 7 to 9pm EST on American Political Radio, RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS Craig Andresen and Diane Sori discuss ‘Beyond Red Lines…Pressure, Retaliation, and Military Threats’; ‘A Steaming Vat of Liberal Hypocrisy’; and important news of the day.
Hope you can tune in at: