Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio
Nancy Pelosi has a brand new catch phrase that she’s been stammering and slurring at every opportunity. “He’ll be impeached forever.”
At best, it’s a rhetorical catch phrase, and to be completely honest, it’s a meaningless slogan. President Trump’s accomplishments will far and away overshadow the coup attempts. He’s set our economy on the path to greatness, he’s reset our position to the front and center of the world stage, he’s taken on the worst trade agreements in history and reversed the playing field to our advantage, he’s cut burdensome regulations, and he has stuck it to the United Nations of thugs, thieves and despots, while pushing NATO allies to do their fair share.
Those are the things that will be reflected favorably by history, but impeachment? That will go down in history as quite possibly the dumbest thing a political party has ever engaged in.
Pelosi knows impeachment is drawing its last gasps, and that her engineered and manufactured failed impeachment coup attempt will be her legacy, and hence the desperate slogan or catch phrase, as she, and her party of wadded panties now prepare to move to the next manufactured attempted coup…
The democrats, having failed with their manufactured Steele dossier/Russian collusion attempted coup, and on the brink of their soon to fail Ukraine phone call coup attempt, have already launched their next attempt at a coup by standing shoulder to shoulder with the world’s leading state sponsor of international terrorism, Iran.
Last week, the Washington Post floated an op-ed with the headline, “When did it become acceptable to kill a top leader of a country we aren’t even at war with?” It was a question parroted just a day or so later in a press conference and posed to AG Bill Barr.
While commonly attributed to Lenin, it was actually Isa Blagden once said, “If a lie is only printed often enough, it becomes a quasi-truth, and if such a truth is repeated often enough, it becomes an article of belief, a dogma, and men will die for it.”
That’s what the democrats do. They concoct a lie, print it, and repeat it ad nauseam hoping that others will then become the parrots of it with the idea being the lie will replace the truth. In this case, in order to manufacture the lie, democrats must falsely put out there the notion that Soleimani was “a top leader of a foreign country…” which is simply bullcrap. Soleimani wasn’t one of the top leaders of Iran. He was an Iranian general in their military. Some democrats have even gone so far as to compare Soleimani to our position of Vice President, which he was not.
Soleimani was, however, a leader in international terrorism, and while Iran is the world’s leading state sponsor of international terrorism, Islamic terrorism itself isn’t a country, it’s a tool employed by a political ideology that falsely claims it is a religion. Soleimani, was a terrorist, adhering to a 7th century ideology, and using 21st century weapons and tactics to kill any who didn’t fall into line, including his own people.
Liberals, both elected and in the media are desperately trying to make the case that Soleimani didn’t need to be killed, and I believe they are basing that case on historical precedent. Now before I expose why he had to die, and the historical precedent that made it imperative that he die, let me expose the other part of this latest democrat lie, that we’re not at war with Iran.
Technically, that’s true, but just as true is that Iran has been at war with us for the past 40 years. Iran’s Ayatollahs, and their mullahs have chanted “death to America, and death to Israel” from their highest minarets since 1979, and the democrats have conveniently omitted that overwhelming truth.
President Trump has had enough of Iran’s crap, and he’s doing what every president all the way back to Carter should have done, and that is to quit pretending that Iran isn’t a clear and present danger.
President Trump scuttled the very bad Iranian nuclear deal, and reinstituted harsh sanctions on the terrorist regime of Iran. President Trump has defied Iranian demands where our bond with Israel is concerned, and moved our embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. President Trump sees Iran for exactly what it is, and he is not mucking about with their terrorist regime.
President Trump is well aware that Iran has been at war with us, and for that matter, with the civilized world for 40 years, and rather than giving Iran $150 billion dollars to spend on weapons of war they have every intention of using against us, and against our allies, President Trump is slamming the door in their face.
Okay, I said I’d get back to Soleimani, and so here we go.
Soleimani, a terrorist, was responsible for the murders of tens of thousands, including hundreds of Americans over the years. He was responsible for Iran’s proxy terrorist armies in various countries, and he was responsible for the killing of those in his own country who dared to protest against the terrorist regime. Most recently, Soleimani was responsible for orchestrating the attack on our embassy in Baghdad Iraq, and that is where most people rightly make the comparison between Trump’s response, and the response of Barack Hussein Obama to the attack on our embassy mission in Benghazi.
While that is, no doubt, an apt comparison, I don’t believe it is the most apt such comparison available, nor does it go far enough to display the big picture.
Here’s the way I see it…
Historical precedent, the same precedent upon which liberals are relying in their absurd claim that killing Soleimani was wrong, is exactly the precedent that made killing him at this particular point in time so very crucial. Rather than comparing Baghdad to Benghazi, we should be comparing Soleimani to bin Laden. Now I’m not talking about the 9/11 bin Laden here, I’m stepping further back so as to reveal the whole of the big picture.
The day was September 10th, 2001. That is less than 24 hours before bin Laden would forever alter the world for the worse. On September 10th, 2001, Bill Clinton was being paid a handsome fee to deliver a speech in Australia and he told that crowd that he could have had Osama bin Laden killed, but chose not to. Clinton said, “I nearly got him. And I could have killed him, but I would have to destroy a little town called Kandahar in Afghanistan and kill 300 innocent women and children, and then I would have been no better than him.”
At least twice, possibly more than twice, Bill Clinton was handed the opportunity to take bin Laden into custody by the Saudis, and Clinton turned those opportunities down. At the time, bin Laden was a known terrorist, and it was also known that he was building a terrorist network. That was before Clinton’s decision not to strike and kill bin Laden, before the bombings of the U.S. embassies in Nairobi, Kenya, and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, killing 224 people and injuring more than 5,000 others, and well before 9/11.
Following democrat protocol, Bill Clinton refused opportunity after opportunity to take custody of bin Laden, and failed to strike when that opportunity arose, and the results were devastating.
Soleimani, just a few weeks ago was bin Laden in the mid 1990’s, a terrorist, building a terrorist network, and orchestrating attacks on an international scale, but when provided the opportunity to strike, President Trump did exactly what Bill Clinton refused to do. Imagine what a different world we would have today had Clinton acted decisively.
Now imagine the future had President Trump not acted decisively.
While you’re at it, imagine the world today had Obama taken action directly after Benghazi, but such action would not have been in the best interests of our enemies. Instead, Obama allowed the mastermind of the embassy mission attack in Benghazi to sit at a sidewalk café and sip a strawberry frappe with impunity while a new terrorist network called ISIS was forming.
Imagine the world today had Obama not sent $150 billion dollars to Iran to further their weapons programs and their terrorist outreach. Imagine the increased stability we would have in the region had Iran not had the road to nuclear weapons paved for them by Obama, and had Obama not lifted the sanctions we had in place against Iran.
While Bill Clinton made Osama bin Laden possible, Obama and Hillary Clinton made the ilk of al Baghdadi, and Soleimani possible, but the difference is, because of President Trump seizing the opportunities to take bold, and decisive action, al Baghdadi, and Soleimani are no more.
No, taking Soleimani out doesn’t stop his terrorist networks in their tracks, but it most certainly stops him in his tracks, and it makes those engaged in similar terrorist activities, those who will fill his smoldering shoes think more than twice before they pop their heads out of their spider holes. It also sends a clear and unmistakable message to the world’s leader of state sponsored terrorism, Iran, that acting like the craziest cuckoo in the nest isn’t necessarily going to get you left alone to pursue your ideology, and agenda of hatred, death and destruction unchallenged.
Obviously, Bill Clinton’s decision to allow bin Laden to live only made the world more dangerous, and now, liberals are trying to argue that allowing the ilk of Soleimani to live would make the world more safe.
History proves that Clinton was dead wrong, and Trump was spot-on correct. That is why Soleimani had to die.
Iran, like their dead general, Soleimani, thought they were untouchable, until President Trump reached out and touched them, and trust me on this, other terrorists, and other terrorist regimes are taking note, and a much lower profile today because they know that the ilk of Bill Clinton, his wife Hillary, and Obama aren’t providing them with cover, or cash anymore.
So, back to the original, rhetorical and abjectly stupid question asked by liberal media “reporters” last week, “When did it become acceptable to kill a top leader of a country we aren’t even at war with?”
The answer is quite simple…it is always acceptable to kill terrorist leaders who pose a threat to the United States, U.S. citizens and to our allies when the opportunity presents itself, especially given the obvious historical precedent, and as for Iran, they’ve been at war with us since 1979, and they should be very damned careful for what they wish.
They might just get it.
Copyright © Craig Andresen/ 2020/ All rights reserved ************************************************************************************************* For more political commentary please visit my RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS partner Diane Sori’s blog The Patriot Factor to read her latest article, Doomed Before Ever Leaving The Ground
Tuesday, January 21st, from 7 to 9pm EST on American Political Radio, RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS Craig Andresen and Diane Sori discuss ‘Doomed Before Ever Leaving The Ground’; ‘Why Soleimani Had To Die’; and important news of the day.
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